On 8/17/2011 12:08 PM, Ian Piper wrote:
Hi all,

I have a problem with the text within an accordion on this test page:


The first four review headings, when clicked, open up to display the body text 
first at one width, and then, when the accordion is open, jump to another 
width. It is only the first few, and I'm pretty sure that the problem is to do 
with the picture_left style that I'm using for the thumbnail book cover to the 
left. The jump in width seems to be the same as the width of the image, and it 
is only the headings displayed within the height of the image that do the 
jumping (i.e. lower reviews open immediately at the correct width). Can anyone 
suggest what I have done wrong here?

The jumping occurs even if every CSS rule on your page is disabled, which indicates the problem is with your script. jQuery accordions are strange beasts and typically not very refined unless considerable custom scripting is added. Apparently it is a known issue:


For the heck of it, try out this custom-scripted accordion (ours) and you'll likely see a bit more refinement:

I'm fairly certain we are not the only outfit with high quality standards for CSS and scripting, so you might be able to find a more refined free accordion. Perhaps a third-party jquery plugin, or mootools.

Al Sparber - PVII
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