On 13/09/2011 12:43 PM, Elli Vizcaino wrote:

I found this on a possible fix:
- I added #main-nav li.about:hover { position: static;} Can someone
please confirm that this works in IE7 and the sub menu NO longer
hangs or freezes. http://e7flux.com/dfd/index.html

Much appreciated!

Elli Vizcaino

This sticky drop-down menus in IE7 can be turn on and off very easy. You say you have Windows so I can not understand why you would not have at least IE8. If this is correct, you can check IE7 by using IE7 emulation mode in IE8. The sticky drop-down bug is described here.


and just a simple change like background-color,


can fix the bug.

My article and the article on Built from source is describing a bug that requires JavaScript for IE6 support. Since I see no JavaScript in your code, this is not the bug that someone has observed.

I cannot link from this list archives since they stop at the 1st of September but from my inbox, I can see that it was Chetan that noted this.

In IE7-WinXP, once the drop down menu appears it stays visible even after
moving the mouse outside.

Chetan Crasta

Chetan, can yob please described what you observed.

Alan Gresley
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