On 10/19/11 11:43 AM, Tom Livingston wrote:
Attempting to improve my "responsive" skills here...

We are working on a site that we would like to be responsive. We are
wondering about what content would a mobile user *need* to receive
when viewing the site.

It does force one to think about what is really necessary and what is not. Extraneous decorative elements, for example, that may be somewhat beneficial for desktop can easily be hidden from mobile-hand sets with a media query.
My question is: is using CSS media queries to hide (display:none;)
content from mobile users and showing it for desktop users a best

Imo, yes it is. And more important -- keep in mind that optimizing speed and content is probably in your best interest for all users, it becomes an essential necessity for mobile users.

We have run into cases where, under the right situation,
desktop users have triggered or ignored (very old browser) the media
queries - which is obviously not desired.

Not sure what you mean? Unless it is that you are kicking in the display MQ too early and desktop users in narrow windows are not seeing content they should see? One way to avoid this it not to kick in the MQ until you are at 580 or less. And media query is not supported in Internet Explorer 8 or older-- although there are some js work a-rounds for this.

  It's the showing/hiding of
content that is in question. Should the showing/hiding be done another
way, and if so, what *is* the best way to do this?

Dunno. If the question is hide stuff that isn't needed at all then simply delete it for all users. If the question is to edit out extraneous stuff that you want/need for desktop but is not essential for comprehension on mobile display:none; / mq is probably a good way to go...

Bono 4 U2

Desktop. Laptop. Tablet. Mobile!

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