> El 25/10/2011, a las 00:11, John escribió:
> http://coffeeonmars.com/testing/index.html
> http://coffeeonmars.com/testing/WPR_Wire.html
> When I load the two links above and go from one tab to the other, I see the 
> content area shift to the left (going from the index page to the wpr_wire 
> page)
> the only browswer that doesn't do this is Win IE 6, but Win FF 7 does, Win 
> Opera 11.51 does , as do Mac Safari 5, FF 6 and Opera 11.50
> can anyone see why this shift happens? my hunch is that it has to do with the 
> image on the second page, though I'm pretty sure its well within the bounds 
> of the area it's sitting in.

Could it be just that the 2nd page draws a scroll bar, which causes everything 
to shift to the left ?

Hth, best regards, Peter H.
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