dave higgs wrote:
On the six button menu at www.autobarn-cars.co.uk I see boxes around my links 
in IE8.  They are not there in Firefox or Chrome.  Each of the six buttons has 
the below javascript which does the rollover effect.  I am here showing the 
last two buttons, buttons 5 and 6
Button 6 has no javascript and no<a>  tag because this particular code resides 
in the contact.htm page itself so I do not need to have button 6 respond as it goes 
nowhere (we are already at the contact.htm page)

When I temporarily surround the img tag in button 6 with a<A>  tag (just like button 
5), the box appears which tells me the<a>  tag is causing the box problem

I hope that explains the problem sufficiently as this is my first post

many thanks in advance for your advice

Well, where does one start ?  The real problem, as far as I can see,
is that whilst you are using JavaScript to accomplish the effects
for which you are aiming, there is no evidence at all from the
code that you have posted that you are also using CSS, and this
is a list that is intended to deal with CSS-related issues.  If
you are using CSS, and you can point us to it, then we may be able
to offer some help, but whilst I too have many questions related
to cross-browser compatibility using JavaScript, I do not believe
that this is the most appropriate forum in which to raise them

Philip Taylor
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