On 12/26/2011 11:23 AM, Nghia Nguyen wrote:

Try to set z-index of ja-mainnav to -1.

/* Added by Bob  just to see */
.artgrandmenucontainer ul.dropdown li.hover, .artgrandmenucontainer
ul.dropdown li:hover {
z-index: 987654321;

#ja-search .artgrandmenucontainer ul.dropdown li.hover, ul.dropdown li:hover
z-index: 987654321;

#ja-search .artgrandmenucontainer ul.dropdown a.hover, ul.dropdown li:hover,
#ja-search  a.hover, #ja-search .artgrandmenucontainer a.hover, a:hover {
z-index: 987654321;

#ja-search {
z-index: 987654321;
Thx.  That sort of helps, however.... I checked further and anything at 9 or 
below fixes the top menu.  The side-effect is that this breaks the main menu.  
If I drop to 10 or below the mainmenu drop-down items get obscured by the 
slideshow and on pages where there is no slideshow, component containers.  
There seem to be a cascading series of z-index values that make the main 
navigation, slideshow and containers work together as a package.  How utterly 

test: http://www.dottedi.us/18

Bob Meetin
dotted i - http://www.dottedi.biz
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bobmeetin
303-926-0167 (home/business)

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