Hello Ghodmode,

Wednesday, January 18, 2012, 10:42:14 PM, you wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 9:38 AM, BJ Novack <b...@ninjawebservices.com> wrote:
>> I've been banging my head against this for too long. Why does IE8 drop the 
>> div class="checkout-progress" and everything below it right to the bottom of 
>> the dang page?  **snippety**

>> Test case here:

>> http://doneinstyle.com/test/oaktreetest2/index.htm

> IE9 does it too.

> It looks like the border on the div.checkout-progress is making it
> wider than its container and then wrapping it around sidebar_right.
> If you take off the property width:100% it fixes it.  Unless they're
> floated or have a fixed width, DIVs take up the available width by
> default.  By giving it a fixed width (100%), the width of the block
> itself was 100%, then the borders added to that.

Huh. I'm sure I tried width: 95% on that pup, which you'd think would do the 
same thing. Anyway, it worked AND it didn't break it anywhere else! (that I 
know of.)

If anyone else can test drive this in any of the other odd browsers, just in 
case . . . 


> --
> Ghodmode
> http://www.ghodmode.com/blog

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