On Feb 9, 2012, at 6:54 PM, Markus Ernst wrote:

> I encountered that rounded corners do not seem to apply to child elements:
> […]
> In this example, the right corners of the red child element are not rounded 
> in recent versions of Firefox, Opera, Chrome, and IE9.
> Is this the expected behavior? I did not find anything on the behavior of 
> child elements in the spec:
> http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/CR-css3-background-20110215/#the-border-radius

Yucca already gave you the core of the answer.
In addition: border-radius does not clip child elements.
If you want clipping to happen, try
        .roundCorners { overflow: hidden; }
or force the child box to inherit the border-radius

> Now, if there is a border applied to the container element, the inner element 
> is not expected to inherit the border, but it is expected to be placed inside 
> the border, rather than covering it.

> In the case of rounded corners, I would accordingly expect the inner element 
> to be rounded at the edges of the outer element, rather than covering the 
> rounded corners (and even covering a possible border of the container element 
> at the corners).

But the child is not offset by corner (border-radius is a bit a misnomer, it 
should actually be 'corner-radius'). With 'border', the child element is moved 
(it cannot cover the border unless forced to do so).

Philippe Wittenbergh

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