On Mar 29, 2012, at 4:06 AM, Angela French wrote:

> I am having trouble with IE8 in compatibility mode (IE7) - the list bullets 
> won't show.  I've played around with margins, padding, list-position, etc.  
> In addition, in order not to have the heading which follows the list to 
> appear in the position of the last list item in the right column, I put in 
> <div style="clear:both;margin-top:30px;"></div>.  The margin-top works in 
> IE8, but nowhere else.  I don't really want to put that margin-top on the 
> heading as that heading could change in the future.  Grateful for any ideas. 
> (the html does validate)
> This is my test page:  
> http://sbctc.edu/college/_e-wkforceworkfirsttrainingresourcesNEW.aspx .  It 
> is the 2-column list I am referring to.
> Here is the css:
> ul.two_column_list
> {width:520px;
> }

1/ the list bullets not showing up in IE7 (or IE 8 compat): you specify a width 
on the ul (see quoted part above) and the li. That triggers 'haslayout'


Maybe use a background image on the li ?

2/ margin-top on <div style="clear:both;margin-top:30px;"></div>. It is normal 
that the margin isn't visible. The preceding list is _much_ taller than 30px. 
IE < 8 is wrong as usual. Try with padding-top instead.

Philippe Wittenbergh

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