El 20/04/12 22:09, Barry Brevik escribió:
I am now desperate enough to post to this list.

Everything below refers to the code at:

Disclaimer: The site displays properly only with MSIE. Making it
cross-browser is my next project.

This is a 3 column layout with a header (id=#header) and footer that
span all 3 columns. There is a line which separates #header from the
columns (#col1, #col2, #col3) which is actually the top border of the 3

I need to add some absolute positioned content into the #header, but
when I add "position: relative" (it is commented out) to #header, the
top border of #col3 goes away. I have tinkered with this for hours and
absolutely cannot figure this out.

Thanks in advance for looking,

I'm not sure your disclaimer is valid. Even if you're coding for IE (and you should also say which version btw in the case of IE since different versions are often effectively different browsers), your code should still be valid in at least most important respects. Yours doesn't appear to be:



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