On 6/14/2012 11:15 PM, Philippe Wittenbergh wrote:
Does any have access to the latest Windows 8 - IE 10 preview (aka the
'release preview') ?

How does the first of the buttons look like ? test file:

Both buttons _should_ look identical (they share all the same
styles). On the previous beta releases of IE 10 (seen on two
installations), the leftmost button had some ugly blueish inner
border (and that could even be seen if the button is left un-styled).
The only difference between the two buttons is the classname. The
first one has the classname 'publish', the second one 'not-publish'.

I don't have IE10 but wouldn't it be better to wait for the shipping release? An awful lot of changes were made to IE9 between the last preview and its shipping version. Just saying :-)

Have you checked the MSDN blog:

By the way, it seems to be fine in IE9.

Al Sparber - PVII
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