On 16.07.2012 04:12, Micky Hulse wrote:
I was just reading the docs at w3.org:

"The keyword 'only' can also be used to hide style sheets from older
user agents. User agents must process media queries starting with
'only' as if the 'only' keyword was not present. "

Hmmm, based on that info, if I omit "only screen", what does that do
to older browsers (say, IE6 for example)? Hehe, looks like I need to
do a lot more reading. :)

IE8 and older don't support @mediaqueries with min/max arguments in any form, so they are shut out anyway and will need "a backdoor entry" or other workaround.

The 'only' keyword will shut out IE8 if used in an @import, and @media I think (haven't tested), and I have unintentionally shut out some low-end android browsers using the 'only' keyword in an SSR stylesheet. '@media screen ......' will do nicely.


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