On 22/07/2012 9:11 PM, sweepslate wrote:
I want to text-transform:uppercase a piece of text writen in Greek. The
Greek language requires that:

   a. in lower case text, some letters need to have accents --and
   b. in full upper case text, LIKE THIS, have no accents at all

My problem is: if I use the uppercase property I will end up with upper
case accented text, which is a typographical error.

I could write the text, inside the HTML, in lower case and omit the
accents - but that would make it a typographical error when viewed
without CSS.

I could write the text using upper case characters, inside the HTML, and
omit the accents - but using upper case in this webpage is a decision of
style, not content, so I'd rather do it with CSS.

Any ideas?

Philippe gave some suggestions. FYI, this is also a bug in the spec.



Alan Gresley
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