On 31.07.2012 10:59, Gergely Buday wrote:
What html dtd is recommended to reach the most users? HTML 4.01
Transitional -- and CSS2?

Markup: the Stricter the better. Markup in accordance with HTML 4.01 Strict works fine in around 99.99% of browsers _in use_ today. HTML5 using new elements may fail in a few old browsers, in old IE because users of obsolete browsers may also block script-support and take other "protective measures" that prevents it from working.

CSS: make note of the few differences between CSS2 and CSS2.1, as same code may be treated in different ways in old and new browser versions. Apart from that there is no definitive answer, since lack of support, bugs and weaknesses will keep you looking for answers in actual browser versions for every few lines of CSS code you put in no matter what CSS version(s) you choose to stick to - or rather which browser versions you choose to support.

Most of us apply, and test with, CSS from all versions while designing in/for new browsers, and accept "graceful degradation", and sometimes "less graceful degradation" or right out "disgraceful degradation" in older browsers. This to avoid being stuck with CSS that worked in most browsers over a decade ago, and no way out and into the future.

No complete set from any CSS "version" will work perfect or in the same way in all browser versions released the last 15 years anyway. Even latest browser versions differ in how they interpret CSS standards and still can and do claim conformance, partly because not all points in standards are described as clearly as they should be, but also because they have adjusted to various more or less wide-spread coding habits over the years.

So, depending on whether you want to go forward with CSS, or stop at some point in time where you feel it is "safer", you still have to check the result in all browser versions you want to secure support for and maybe add workarounds for rendering differences. No way around "testing".

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