On 08/02/2012 02:24 PM, Richard Wendrock Forum wrote:
I have found a problem that occurs only in Fire Fox.

This link will display a menu that remains visible as the visitor scrolls
down the page.


It works perfectly in Internet Explorer 9, Chrome and Safari.  The menu does
not align properly in FireFox.

This page is a mockup of a Flash page converted to HTML.  In this example,
to save time, I made the menu an image.  Later on it will be converted to
CSS.  To make the menu work, I created a usemap.  The problem has to do with
usemap="#Map" parameter in the image statement.  When the usemap stmt is
removed, the alignment appears to work.  Add the usemap parameter and the
image does not align properly in FF.

Any ideas about might be causing this?

Oh, you mean the menu that requires Javascript be enabled before it appears?

Sorry, no, have no idea. It stays there when I scroll the page in FF 10 on Linux. I can't see any alignment being off - what alignment are you referring to?

It looks rather silly as you scroll down; once the logo at the top has scrolled off the page, the menu still has the empty space above it that used to hold the logo.

It looks even worse when I scroll sideways, which I have to do because the left side seems to occupy about half of my browser window (with the browser not full screen). To scroll all the way over to see the "Stephen Ministry" graphic, I end up with the "Home et al" menu smack on top of the "Stephen Ministry" text column.

With the browser full screened (via F11 key), I can scroll sideways easily enough to put the navigation menu right on top of the text column.

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