Michael Stevens wrote:
> Hmmm...
> That's an old PNG hack I've used forever. I actually just validated it
> (index at least) and did not receive this error. I'll see if I can't
> figure out why and fix it...

I think you may have validated the HTML but not the CSS, Mike.
And that particular fragment looks far more like JavaScript
than CSS to me : is it in the correct place ?

> Is there a better alternative to getting PNG transparency out of
> browsers that don't support it? That I can think of PNG transparency and
> the rounded corners are the only "maybes" that I used.

> I do get this warning:
> Line 11, Column 72: Using windows-1252 instead of the declared encoding
> iso-8859-1.
> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
> Which I have absolutely no idea what it means. But, since the data I'll
> be eventually pulling out of a database for my gallery will be UTF-8 I
> suspect I should change that to charset=UTF-8? Don't know nearly enough
> about character encoding... :(

That is an HTML 5 issue : why they decided to prefer a proprietary
encoding to an ISO one is not something I pretend to understand.

Philip Taylor
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