Le 4 oct. 2013 à 12:38, Richard Grevers <richard.grev...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi,
> At http://test.permaculture.co.nz I am trying to tighten the layout a
> little in order to fit more content above the fold.
> reducing the top margin of #page has had no effect, so I am guessing that
> the Drupal-generated p#skip-link above it is the problem.
> It looks as though the "off-left" technique has been applied to the link
> inside the p rather than to the block element.
> Is it safe to give p#skip-link a zero height?

correct url (thanks Richard): http://test.permaculture.org.nz/

I would make the p#skip-link position: absolute with width, top and left 
coordinates to taste, then adjust the margin-top for #page as needed. That 
would also avoid having the whole page slide down when the skip-link is 
focussed (that could be disconcerting for some users).

IIrc, some AT software treats elements with height:0 as invisible or hidden.

PS - colour mismatch for background-color in the logo image with the rest of 
the masthead

Philippe Wittenbergh

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