On 2/12/2014 6:17 PM, Tom Livingston wrote:
On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 5:55 PM, Debbie Campbell
<d...@redkitecreative.com> wrote:
In this page:


I'd like to have the large image that's currently in #footer-container slide
up so that it's

1) on top of #container and #body-container

2) 'underlapping' the bottom of the page content a bit so some of the color
shows behind the content.

Hi Debbie,

Having a little trouble understanding what you're after. Do you have a
link to an image of the effect you are typing to achieve that we can

Yes - here's an example of what I'd like to have:


See how the bottom image is moved up behind/under the main content area so some of the blue/grey shows behind the text?

But this is what I don't want:


When the browser's at full width, the background image rides up too far and the top is cut off. This is Chrome.

I hope that makes sense - I don't want a big gap between the content and bottom image, I want them to overlap just a bit but not too much.

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