> You don't explain what you mean with "same size" -- in a valid HTML5
> document I wouldn't get that issue you claim -- nor do you post online code
> as HTML/CSS. It's pointless to debate what you think happened with a
> picture. Make it happen in all of our browsers too -- by posting validated
> code that illustrates your problem -- or talk about a specific known issue.
I did post (almost) valid code in my first message, but here it goes again.
Seeking validation I added a forgotten pair of forgotten TR tags, as well
as !doctype, charset information and a title:

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Inconsistent font size?</title>
table { border-spacing: 0 }
td,p { font-size: medium }
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Rerum,
cumque, pariatur, deserunt id impedit delectus at porro eum quaerat
officia atque eligendi tempora corporis necessitatibus quos minima
eaque dolorem eius quia nisi velit hic consequatur ea quis earum unde
<table><tr><td>Lorem ipsum dolor sit.</td></tr></table>

I also posted a picture, http://i.imgur.com/WtmgiXQ.png, that shows what
happens using three main browsers (Chrome, Firefox and Opera) in the
leading mobile OS (Android)... I would test it with an iPhone if I had one,
but I think this is far from a niche question. I can't  "make it happen in
all browsers" since it doesn't affect desktop browsers, the Android 2.3
stock browser, etc. For convenience, here is a URL with such code: . I don't know what else to do in order to
present my question.

Thanks for replying.


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