On Apr 19, 2014, at 8:11 PM, Tim Dawson <t...@ramasaig.com> wrote:
>> On 19/04/2014 15:00, Tedd Sperling wrote:
>> I just set my <h?> to whatever size I want knowing that 1em is equal (in 
>> most cases) to 16
>> pixels. No need for percentages in setting font sizes.
> If you set your font-sizes in ems then I think you are treating the em as a 
> constant (normally 16px). Though I notice you actually use descriptive names 
> such as 'xx-large' in at least some instances. I also spotted some margins 
> and padding in px.

Yeah, that's because I haven't redone my site in years. It's a case of "do what 
I say, not what I have done". Eventually I'll make my site only ems measurement.

Thanks for reminding me.



tedd sperling

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