> > <http://blog.millermedeiros.com/the-problem-with-css-pre-processors/>
> Irrelevant to the subject here, which is about the discussion of preprocessors
> on this list.

Just following with one ear but why would that be irrelevant? By that
logic, if you were to buy a car and somebody warned you it would
explode once you get in, you’d ask not to be interrupted while signing
the contract? I argue general concerns always worth listening to.

My two cents: assuming the project is complex enough to even warrant
something like a preprocessor, it’s still better to exploit “native”
optimization options first. Now in the age of ever-growing specs
(feature creep) and ever-growing tools (preprocessors &c.), few
explore such options. (That’s a problem for all of us.) My favorite
example is that even something simple as using every declaration just
once [1,2] can reduce CSS size and complexity by around 20% (empirical
value). That’s not peanuts if you’re talking style sheets with 1,000s
of lines.

[1] http://meiert.com/en/blog/20080515/css-organization-and-efficiency/
[2] https://developers.google.com/speed/articles/optimizing-css

Jens O. Meiert
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