Good morning - 

My business client donates a website for the Flag Day Parade here in Appleton, 
WI, USA. Each year the site lists all the participants. I’ve normally done that 
by converting a docx file to an html table. But with my limited import 
experience and my limited code skills, that always resulted in a significant 
amount of manual editing. And renumbering when they modify the list. This year 
I read in my HTML/CSS books and decided to try an organized list. 

It hasn’t gone well. All 105 lines had the same <li> formatting (identical to 
my eye) but they displayed differently. Plus the numbers showed in Dreamweaver 
but not in any of the browsers I proofed it in. Safari, Firefox, Opera. The 
site structure is inherited, so I don’t fully understand it. I thought perhaps 
something was squelching the numbers, or rendering them in white, etc. So I 
tried to redefine color etc. in the head of the page. Had no effect. 

So I Googled and wound up at:

>From there I trial-and-errored to this review page:

This looks OK with one exception. The list starts with the number one (as you’d 
expect), but the parade committee begins their list with the number 0 (zero). I 
thought I could use value=“0” within the first <li> item — but it has no effect 
given the code I’m employing. I hoped I could use start=“0” within the opening 
<o;>. But it had no effect. 

Any suggestions? (I wondered if another approach might be some sort of full 
reset for ol and li.) 

Chuck M

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