On Jul 24, 2014, at 9:01 AM, Chris Rockwell <ch...@chrisrockwell.com> wrote:

> If you want to use em's, you'll need to be aware of parent font sizes.
> Personally, I don't put <img>'s in <h1>'s, but I see it in practice all of
> the time (and it's acceptable as far as the standards bodies are
> concerned).
> If it was me, I'd probably do something like:
> <header>
>  <img class="logo" href="">
>  <h1 class="hide-me-from-view">Coffee On Mars</h1>
> </header>
> But there are so many ways to handle it, and they way you're doing it isn't
> "wrong", just not the way I'd do it.

Right on…the hide me from view method is one I was encouraged to explore; have 
not yet done so.

Now I know what I’ll be doing this morning.

Thank you for the knowledge and views…in line with best practices, I suppose.


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