okt 20 2014 09:12 Philip Taylor <p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk>:

> MiB wrote:
>> That’s not what I said. Try again.
> You said "you can translate from px sizing to percentages."
> I pointed out that, in general, you cannot.  I am still waiting
> for you to demonstrate how you can.

And I won’t since what I referred to is the ABC of responsive web development. 
Go read up. I’ll answer specific questions, not your erroneous assumptions.

What were we talking about again? Ahhh, grids. Do grids need to be written in 
pixel sizes ot be grids? If you get advice on grids expressed in pixels and you 
work with percentages, what is it you need to do in order to make that advice 
or knowledge useful to you? Hmmmm.

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