> On Jun 17, 2017, at 9:08 AM, Karl DeSaulniers <k...@designdrumm.com> wrote:
> Basically you told the browser your checkboxes and radios have no appearance.
> I think what your wanting is to "unset" the native appearance so you can 
> apply your own?
> That would be:
> -moz-appearance: unset;
> -webkit-appearance: unset;
> -khtml-appearance: unset;
> -o-appearance: unset;
> I believe..

Have you tried that?
It would remove the checkbox/radio “look” anyway, and it won’t give borders, 
nor give any appearance for the checked state. Have a look using the developper 
tools of your choice, and check the cascade…

Using type=checkbox as an example
For Safari + Blink, the UA stylesheet says:
-webkit-appearance: checkbox;
border-style: initial; /* that means: no border, as the root html does not 
specify any border style. */

For Firefox:
-moz—appearance: checkbox;
border-style: unset;

So, it will give exactly the same result, different of what Firefox 53 did 
(which only removed the platform specific “look” when the -moz-appearance: 
checkbox; is specified).

Philippe Wittenbergh

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