On Wednesday 02 August 2017 08:54 PM, Eric A. Meyer wrote:
I confess to being a little bit confused here, because I read this as you asking about a 'td' that's a child of another 'td' and I don't think that's a thing. Could you provide some markup samples to illustrate cases where you do and don't want selection to occur?

Apologies for jumping in uninvited :)

I believe what Felix meant is this:

He wants all td's that are nth child (2) i.e. the second TD of each TR to be subjected to a particular rule EXCEPT if they also have a colspan.

i.e if a second TD has a colspan the rule should not apply.

I could have misunderstood his requirement of course - in which case the code I sent last time would also be invalid.

Gautam Sathe
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