 Call me old - and old fashioned - but I
 like using lists like CSS-D
 and Webdesign-l. For non-css things
 that came up I used webdesign-l,
 but it is now dead. Is there a
 substitute list for all things

How about these:


Probably you need webdev - 2nd link.  You also need a newsreader like 

If not then perhaps we can decide a suitable name and approach Giganews to host 
a newsserver for us.  We can decide on the content and format of the server 
like HTML/CSS/Scripts/C# for web etc.

The 3 links I provided are pretty new (about 1 week old) so there isn't 
anything going on but it is up to the users to make use of it and we can make 
it a good community.  No registration is required but who knows in future we 
might have to register if spam is out of control.
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