Now i found what is wrong.
Our Cluster has a different IP-address than the nodes.

cluster-IP: x.x.x.3
node-1:    x.x.x.19
node-2:    x.x.x.61

Syncing from node-2 to node-1 is working.
But if I want to execute csync2 -xdvvv on node-1 it uses the cluster-IP and off course that doesn't work because of different DNS-Names.

What shall I do?

Thanks a lot.


Auszubildender Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration
RWTH Aachen
Lehrstuhl für Integrierte Analogschaltungen
Raum 24C 313
Sommerfeldstr. 24
D-52074 Aachen

Phone: +49-(0)241-80-27771
  FAX: +49-(0)241-80-627771

Am 25.06.2014 14:59, schrieb Daniel Thielking:
Thank you for your help.

I did that but it doesn't help.
What i have found is, that the vz2 can sync to vz1. But not reversed.


Auszubildender Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration
RWTH Aachen
Lehrstuhl für Integrierte Analogschaltungen
Raum 24C 313
Sommerfeldstr. 24
D-52074 Aachen

Phone: +49-(0)241-80-27771
  FAX: +49-(0)241-80-627771

Am 25.06.2014 14:54, schrieb bes:
Try clean table x509_cert in sqlite database
/var/lib/csync2/ like:

# sqlite /var/lib/csync2/
pragma table_info(x509_cert);
delete from x509_cert where peername= ''
On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Daniel Thielking
<> wrote:

I have a huge problem with csync2.
I have a CentOS 6.5 with csync2 installed from yum.

Everytime i tried to execute 'csync2 -xdvvv' I get this error message:

vz1 csync2 #:( [1] csync2 -xvvv
My hostname is
Database-File: /var/lib/csync2/
Config-File:   /etc/csync2/csync2.cfg
Running recursive check for / ...
SQL: SELECT filename from file where filename = '/' or 1 ORDER BY filename
SQL Query finished.
Checking /* ..
Don't check at all: /vz.orig
Don't check at all: /vz
Don't check at all: /var
Don't check at all: /usr
Don't check at all: /tmp
Don't check at all: /sys
Don't check at all: /srv
Don't check at all: /selinux
Don't check at all: /sbin
Don't check at all: /root
Don't check at all: /proc
Don't check at all: /opt
Don't check at all: /mnt
Don't check at all: /media
Don't check at all: /lost+found
Don't check at all: /lib64
Don't check at all: /lib
Don't check at all: /home
Checking /etc/* ..
Don't check at all: /etc/zshrc
Don't check at all: /etc/zshenv
Don't check at all: /etc/zprofile
Don't check at all: /etc/zlogout
Don't check at all: /etc/zlogin
Don't check at all: /etc/yum.repos.d
Don't check at all: /etc/yum.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/yum
Don't check at all: /etc/xinetd.d
Don't check at all: /etc/xinetd.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/xen
Don't check at all: /etc/xdg
Don't check at all: /etc/wgetrc
Don't check at all: /etc/warnquota.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/vz.orig
Don't check at all: /etc/vz
Don't check at all: /etc/virc
Don't check at all: /etc/vimrc
Don't check at all: /etc/updatedb.conf.rpmsave
Don't check at all: /etc/updatedb.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/udev
Don't check at all: /etc/test.txt
Don't check at all: /etc/terminfo
Don't check at all: /etc/system-release-cpe
Don't check at all: /etc/system-release
Don't check at all: /etc/sysctl.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/sysconfig
Don't check at all: /etc/sudoers.d
Don't check at all: /etc/sudoers
Don't check at all: /etc/sudo.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/sudo-ldap.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/statetab.d
Don't check at all: /etc/statetab
Don't check at all: /etc/ssl
Don't check at all: /etc/ssh
Don't check at all: /etc/skel
Don't check at all: /etc/shells
Don't check at all: /etc/shadow-
Don't check at all: /etc/shadow
Don't check at all: /etc/sestatus.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/services
Don't check at all: /etc/selinux
Don't check at all: /etc/security
Don't check at all: /etc/securetty
Don't check at all: /etc/sasl2
Don't check at all: /etc/samba
Don't check at all: /etc/rwtab.d
Don't check at all: /etc/rwtab
Don't check at all: /etc/rsyslog.d
Don't check at all: /etc/rsyslog.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/rpm
Don't check at all: /etc/rpc
Don't check at all: /etc/resolv.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/request-key.d
Don't check at all: /etc/request-key.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/redhat-release
Don't check at all: /etc/rc6.d
Don't check at all: /etc/rc5.d
Don't check at all: /etc/rc4.d
Don't check at all: /etc/rc3.d
Don't check at all: /etc/rc2.d
Don't check at all: /etc/rc1.d
Don't check at all: /etc/rc0.d
Don't check at all: /etc/rc.sysinit
Don't check at all: /etc/rc.local
Don't check at all: /etc/rc.d
Don't check at all: /etc/rc
Don't check at all: /etc/quotatab
Don't check at all: /etc/quotagrpadmins
Don't check at all: /etc/pulse
Don't check at all: /etc/protocols
Don't check at all: /etc/profile.d
Don't check at all: /etc/profile
Don't check at all: /etc/printcap
Don't check at all: /etc/ppp
Don't check at all: /etc/postfix
Don't check at all: /etc/popt.d
Don't check at all: /etc/pm
Don't check at all: /etc/plymouth
Don't check at all: /etc/pki
Don't check at all: /etc/pkcs11
Don't check at all: /etc/passwd-
Don't check at all: /etc/passwd
Don't check at all: /etc/pam.d
Don't check at all: /etc/opt
Don't check at all: /etc/openldap
Don't check at all: /etc/ntp.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/ntp
Don't check at all: /etc/nsswitch.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/nfsmount.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/networks
Don't check at all: /etc/netconfig
Don't check at all: /etc/my.cnf
Don't check at all: /etc/multipath
Don't check at all: /etc/mtab
Don't check at all: /etc/motd
Don't check at all: /etc/modprobe.d
Don't check at all: /etc/mke2fs.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/mime.types
Don't check at all: /etc/maven
Don't check at all: /etc/man.config
Don't check at all: /etc/makedev.d
Don't check at all: /etc/mailcap
Don't check at all: /etc/mail.rc
Don't check at all: /etc/magic
Don't check at all: /etc/lvm
Don't check at all: /etc/logrotate.d
Don't check at all: /etc/logrotate.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/login.defs
Don't check at all: /etc/localtime
Don't check at all: /etc/libuser.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/libibverbs.d
Don't check at all: /etc/libaudit.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/
Don't check at all: /etc/
Don't check at all: /etc/
Don't check at all: /etc/krb5.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/jvm-commmon
Don't check at all: /etc/jvm
Don't check at all: /etc/java
Don't check at all: /etc/
Don't check at all: /etc/issue
Don't check at all: /etc/iproute2
Don't check at all: /etc/inputrc
Don't check at all: /etc/inittab
Don't check at all: /etc/init.d
Don't check at all: /etc/init
Don't check at all: /etc/idmapd.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/httpd
Don't check at all: /etc/hosts.deny
Don't check at all: /etc/hosts.allow
Don't check at all: /etc/hosts
Don't check at all: /etc/hostname
Don't check at all: /etc/host.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/ha.d
Don't check at all: /etc/gssapi_mech.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/gshadow-
Don't check at all: /etc/gshadow
Don't check at all: /etc/grub.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/group-
Don't check at all: /etc/group
Don't check at all: /etc/gnupg
Don't check at all: /etc/gcrypt
Don't check at all: /etc/gai.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/fstab
Don't check at all: /etc/fonts
Don't check at all: /etc/filesystems
Don't check at all: /etc/favicon.png
Don't check at all: /etc/exports
Don't check at all: /etc/ethers
Don't check at all: /etc/environment
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.d.bak.1396945573
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.d.bak.1396945512
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.d.bak.1396944719
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.d.bak.1396944702
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.d.bak.1396944675
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.d.bak.1396944626
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.d.bak.1396944539
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.d.bak.1396944500
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.d.bak.1396944399
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.d.bak.1396944357
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.d.bak.1396944339
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.d.bak.1396943760
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.d.bak.1396943728
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.d.bak.1396943702
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.d
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.conf.1396943702
Don't check at all: /etc/drbd.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/dracut.conf.d
Don't check at all: /etc/dracut.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/dhcp
Don't check at all: /etc/depmod.d
Don't check at all: /etc/default
Don't check at all: /etc/dbus-1
Checking /etc/csync2/* ..
Don't check at all: /etc/csync2/csync2_ssl_key.pem
Don't check at all: /etc/csync2/csync2_ssl_cert.pem
Don't check at all: /etc/csync2/csync2_ssl_cert.csr
Don't check at all: /etc/csync2/csync2.key
Match (+): /etc/csync2/csync2.cfg on /etc/csync2/csync2.cfg
Checking /etc/csync2/csync2.cfg.
SQL: SELECT checktxt FROM file WHERE filename = '/etc/csync2/csync2.cfg'
SQL Query finished.
Don't check at all: /etc/csh.login
Don't check at all: /etc/csh.cshrc
Don't check at all: /etc/crypttab
Don't check at all: /etc/crontab
Don't check at all: /etc/cron.weekly
Don't check at all: /etc/cron.monthly
Don't check at all: /etc/cron.hourly
Don't check at all: /etc/cron.deny
Don't check at all: /etc/cron.daily
Don't check at all: /etc/cron.d
Don't check at all: /etc/crm
Don't check at all: /etc/corosync
Don't check at all: /etc/chkconfig.d
Don't check at all: /etc/cgsnapshot_blacklist.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/cgrules.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/cgconfig.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/centos-release
Don't check at all: /etc/blkid
Don't check at all: /etc/bashrc
Don't check at all: /etc/bash_completion.d
Don't check at all: /etc/audit
Don't check at all: /etc/audisp
Don't check at all: /etc/asound.conf
Don't check at all: /etc/anacrontab
Don't check at all: /etc/alternatives
Don't check at all: /etc/aliases.db
Don't check at all: /etc/aliases
Don't check at all: /etc/adsm
Don't check at all: /etc/adjtime
Don't check at all: /etc/X11
Don't check at all: /etc/TIVGUID
Don't check at all: /etc/NetworkManager
Don't check at all: /etc/DIR_COLORS.lightbgcolor
Don't check at all: /etc/DIR_COLORS.256color
Don't check at all: /etc/DIR_COLORS
Don't check at all: /etc/.pwd.lock
Don't check at all: /etc/.java
Don't check at all: /dev
Don't check at all: /cgroup
Don't check at all: /boot
Don't check at all: /bin
Don't check at all: /.pki
Don't check at all: /.autorelabel
Don't check at all: /.autofsck
SQL: SELECT peername FROM dirty GROUP BY peername ORDER BY random()
SQL Query finished.
SQL: SELECT filename, myname, force FROM dirty WHERE peername =
'' ORDER by filename ASC
SQL Query finished.
Connecting to host (SSL) ...
Local> SSL\n
Peer> OK (activating_ssl).\n
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: RSA_ARCFOUR_MD5
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: RSA_ARCFOUR_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: RSA_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: RSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: RSA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: RSA_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: DHE_RSA_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: DHE_RSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: DHE_RSA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: DHE_RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: DHE_RSA_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: DHE_DSS_ARCFOUR_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: DHE_DSS_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: DHE_DSS_AES_128_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: DHE_DSS_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: DHE_DSS_AES_256_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Keeping ciphersuite: DHE_DSS_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: PSK_SHA_ARCFOUR_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: PSK_SHA_AES_128_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: PSK_SHA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: PSK_SHA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: DHE_PSK_SHA_ARCFOUR_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: DHE_PSK_SHA_AES_128_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: DHE_PSK_SHA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: DHE_PSK_SHA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: SRP_SHA_RSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: SRP_SHA_RSA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: SRP_SHA_RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: SRP_SHA_DSS_AES_128_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: SRP_SHA_DSS_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: SRP_SHA_DSS_AES_256_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: SRP_SHA_AES_128_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: SRP_SHA_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA1
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Removing ciphersuite: SRP_SHA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1
EXT[0x15d3c40]: Sending extension CERT_TYPE
EXT[0x15d3c40]: Sending extension SAFE_RENEGOTIATION
HSK[0x15d3c40]: CLIENT HELLO was sent [93 bytes]
HSK[0x15d3c40]: SERVER HELLO was received [81 bytes]
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Server's version: 3.2
HSK[0x15d3c40]: SessionID length: 32
HSK[0x15d3c40]: SessionID:
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Selected cipher suite: RSA_ARCFOUR_MD5
EXT[0x15d3c40]: Found extension 'SAFE_RENEGOTIATION/65281'
Safe renegotiation succeeded.
HSK[0x15d3c40]: CERTIFICATE was received [701 bytes]
HSK[0x15d3c40]: CERTIFICATE REQUEST was received [169 bytes]
HSK[0x15d3c40]: SERVER HELLO DONE was received [4 bytes]
HSK[0x15d3c40]: CERTIFICATE was sent [701 bytes]
HSK[0x15d3c40]: CLIENT KEY EXCHANGE was sent [134 bytes]
HSK[0x15d3c40]: CERTIFICATE VERIFY was sent [134 bytes]
REC[0x15d3c40]: Sent ChangeCipherSpec
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Cipher Suite: RSA_ARCFOUR_MD5
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Initializing internal [write] cipher sessions
HSK[0x15d3c40]: FINISHED was sent [16 bytes]
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Cipher Suite: RSA_ARCFOUR_MD5
HSK[0x15d3c40]: Initializing internal [read] cipher sessions
HSK[0x15d3c40]: FINISHED was received [16 bytes]
SQL: SELECT certdata FROM x509_cert WHERE peername =
SQL Query finished.
Peer x509 certificate is:
Local> CONFIG \n
Peer> OK (cmd_finished).\n
Local> HELLO\n
Peer> Identification failed!\n
While syncing file /etc/csync2/csync2.cfg:
ERROR from peer Identification failed!
Local> BYE\n
Peer> OK (cu_later).\n
ASSERT: gnutls_buffers.c:330
ASSERT: gnutls_buffers.c:584
XXX[]: ret: -54 Error in the pull function.
XXX2[]: ret: -54 Error in the pull function.
ASSERT: gnutls_record.c:917
SQL: SELECT command, logfile FROM action GROUP BY command, logfile
SQL Query finished.
Finished with 1 errors.

Here is my config: group mycluster
         key /etc/csync2/csync2.key;

         include /etc/csync2/csync2.cfg;
#       include /etc/apache;
#       include %homedir%/bob;
#       exclude %homedir%/bob/temp;
#       exclude *~ .*;
#       action
#       {
#               pattern /etc/apache/httpd.conf;
#               pattern /etc/apache/sites-available/*;
#               exec "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl graceful";
#               logfile "/var/log/csync2_action.log";
#               do-local;
#       }
         backup-directory /var/backups/csync2;
         backup-generations 3;

         auto none;

I have also read the topics from the mailing list but i didn't find a
solution for that.
Please help me!



Auszubildender Fachinformatiker für Systemintegration
RWTH Aachen
Lehrstuhl für Integrierte Analogschaltungen
Raum 24C 313
Sommerfeldstr. 24
D-52074 Aachen

Phone: +49-(0)241-80-27771
   FAX: +49-(0)241-80-627771

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Csync2 mailing list

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