Lars- I see it's not so far off, but definitely not a drop-in replacement
(already ran into some problems).  It worries me to make so many changes to
a system that's been working so well for so long... is there really no hope
for getting file-specific syncs working with prefixes in 1.34?

I'm also worried that it still might not work even if I do... I took a good
long look at the source code for both versions.  In csync_update_host(),
there's a line that seems to me will always be false, leading to no update:

if ( compare_files
patlist[i], recursive) ) use_this = 1;

My understanding is that filename is as it's listed in the database, which
for a config with prefix, will include the prefix (eg: "%FSROOT%/test1").

Isn't patlist[i] simply the filename as passed on the command line? (eg:

It doesn't appear that compare_files() takes into account the prefix.  If
so, won't such a compare_files() call always return 0? (resulting in no
update) []

btw- the relevant code appears to be the same in 2.0 as in 1.34.  If so,
specifying the file on the command line in a configuration with a prefix
still won't work... can someone on this list having a prefix config (using
either version) confirm that specifying the filename on the command line
triggers an update?

Note that csync_check() clearly substitutes the prefix, but I don't see
where such a substitution happens for updates.

Am I wading in too deep?

On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 8:37 AM, dlo <> wrote:

> Is it definitely a drop-in replacement? (db format is the same, etc.?)
> The main csync2 page didn't give me confidence in 2.0, since it has RC
> next to it, and I didn't see a changelog.  In one of the original messages
> on this list about 2.0, you even mention something about inotify and
> support for other databases, which also worried me that things were very
> different... though the current PDF and man page don't seem very different.
> On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 6:06 AM, Lars Ellenberg <>
> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 08, 2014 at 04:31:46AM -0400, dlo wrote:
>> > I've had csync2 (1.34) working fine for a few years now... it took a
>> bit of
>> > work to figure out its quirks, but it's been really great and reliable.
>> > (Thank you, Lars et al!)
>> Please try 2.0, if you can.
>> > On one of my machines (rs1), I'm running out of space on the partition
>> > containing the synced folder, so I changed the configuration to use
>> > prefixes, so that the other server (rs2) continues with its normal path,
>> > and the space-limited server is using a new disk.  The prefix is the
>> only
>> > thing I changed from the previously working configuration.
>> >
>> > ...
>> > > include %FSROOT%/;
>> > > ...
>> > > prefix FSROOT
>> > > {
>> > >         on rs1: /mnt/cbsvol3/files;
>> > >         on rs2: /home/myuser/folder/files;
>> > > }
>> >
>> >
>> > Not knowing how to update the database to reflect the new path, I
>> manually
>> > changed the filename values in the file table in sqlite on both
>> servers.  I
>> > was nervous about this, but it seems to have worked ok.  For example:
>> > INSERT INTO file
>> >
>> VALUES('/home/myuser/folder/files/trg','v1%3Amode=16872%3Auid=12036132%3Agid=19232%3Atype=dir');
>> > became
>> > INSERT INTO file
>> >
>> VALUES('%25FSROOT%25/trg','v1%3Amode=16872%3Auid=12036132%3Agid=19232%3Atype=dir');
>> >
>> > Good news: When I run a full sync (csync2 -rx), it works absolutely
>> fine.
>> >
>> > Bad news: However, if I run a sync of a specific file, which is
>> necessary
>> > for my use case (with lsyncd, though at this point I'm testing it
>> > manually), it appears to mark the file as dirty, but does not actually
>> > sync.  Using verbose mode seems to indicate that it is not even
>> attempting
>> > to connect to its peer:
>> >
>> > rs1% /usr/sbin/csync2 -C test -xvv test3
>> > > My hostname is rs1.
>> > > Database-File: /var/lib/csync2/rs1_test.db
>> > > Config-File:   /etc/csync2_test.cfg
>> > > Prefix 'FSROOT' is set to '/mnt/cbsvol3/files'.
>> > > Match (+): %FSROOT% on %FSROOT%/test3
>> > > Running check for /mnt/cbsvol3/files/test3 ...
>> > > SQL: SELECT filename from file where filename =
>> '/mnt/cbsvol3/files/test3'
>> > >  ORDER BY filename
>> > > SQL Query finished.
>> > > Don't check at all: /mnt/cbsvol3/files/test3
>> > > Running check for %FSROOT%/test3 ...
>> > > SQL: SELECT filename from file where filename = '%25FSROOT%25/test3'
>> > >  ORDER BY filename
>> > > SQL Query finished.
>> > > Match (+): %FSROOT% on %FSROOT%/test3
>> > > Checking %FSROOT%/test3.
>> > > SQL: SELECT checktxt FROM file WHERE filename = '%25FSROOT%25/test3'
>> > > SQL Query finished.
>> > > SQL: SELECT peername FROM dirty GROUP BY peername ORDER BY random()
>> > > SQL Query finished.
>> > > SQL: SELECT filename, myname, force FROM dirty WHERE peername = 'rs2'
>> > > ORDER by filename ASC
>> > > SQL Query finished.
>> > > SQL: SELECT command, logfile FROM action GROUP BY command, logfile
>> > > SQL Query finished.
>> > > Finished with 0 errors.
>> >
>> >
>> > Likewise, if I run with -T on all, the results seem accurate; however,
>> if I
>> > run -T on the one changed file, it does actually connect to the peer,
>> but
>> > doesn't seem to get a sig on the file, and ultimately returns nothing.
>>  I'm
>> > a bit confused about whether maybe the remote host is querying using the
>> > local host's prefix path? (and if so, what to do to fix it?):
>> >
>> > > rs1% /usr/sbin/csync2 -C test -Tvvv test3
>> > > My hostname is rs1.
>> > > Database-File: /var/lib/csync2/rs1_test.db
>> > > Config-File:   /etc/csync2_test.cfg
>> > > Prefix 'FSROOT' is set to '/mnt/cbsvol3/files'.
>> > > Match (+): %FSROOT% on %FSROOT%/test3
>> > > Running in-sync check for rs1 <-> rs2.
>> > > Connecting to host rs2 (SSL) ...
>> > > Local> SSL\n
>> > > Peer> OK (activating_ssl).\n
>> > > SQL: SELECT certdata FROM x509_cert WHERE peername = 'rs2'
>> > > SQL Query finished.
>> > > Peer x509 certificate is: [...]
>> > > Local> CONFIG test\n
>> > > Peer> OK (cmd_finished).\n
>> > > Local> HELLO rs1\n
>> > > Peer> OK (cmd_finished).\n
>> > > Local> LIST rs2 /mnt/cbsvol3/files/test3
>> > > Local>
>>  sF9HeaK6kuFzNfkPgTjL6wcY9akx2_pjjAg1.VOqYHG9AgLjzEG1zfttMlt9WLrp
>> > > Local> \n
>> > > SQL: SELECT checktxt, filename FROM file WHERE filename = '
>> > > /mnt/cbsvol3/files/test3' ORDER BY filename
>> > > SQL Query finished.
>> > > Peer> OK (cmd_finished).\n
>> > > End of query results: OK (cmd_finished).
>> > > Local> BYE\n
>> > > Peer> OK (cu_later).\n
>> > > SQL: SELECT command, logfile FROM action GROUP BY command, logfile
>> > > SQL Query finished.
>> > > Finished with 0 errors.
>> >
>> >
>> > After many hours, I'm at a loss... do you have any additional ideas for
>> me
>> > to try? This isn't a bug, is it?
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>> > Csync2 mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> --
>> : Lars Ellenberg
>> : LINBIT | Your Way to High Availability
>> : DRBD/HA support and consulting
>> DRBD® and LINBIT® are registered trademarks of LINBIT, Austria.
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