
    Two networks connected through a NAT. The NAT is setup in PC3 using $ iptables

    innerPC1 ->.
                ]-> PC3 (NAT) -> outerPC4
    innerPC2 ->'


    "remote host ___ did not accept my identification"

    This happens because NATs work by translating an inner network's IP to the router's (and assigning a port for the inner IP).

    In my setup, the rule at fault was:

        $ iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ${WAN} -j MASQUERADE

  , where "WAN" is the router's interface to the outer network.


    Exclusion of csync2 port from Masquerading:

        $ iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o ${WAN} -p TCP --dport csync2 -j RETURN

  ! Important: The previous command needs to be put before the MASQUERADE one.

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