Axel Sommerfeldt submitted an update to the



Version number: 2022-02-20
License type: lppl1.3

Summary description: Customising captions in floating environments

Announcement text:

This is a new release of the caption package bundle. Changes since release

caption v3.6:
* Fallback to versions "v1", "v3.0", "v3.1", "v3.2", "v3.3", "v3.4", and "v3.5"
* The caption-subcaption counter handling is now independent on the "position="
* Option "compatibility=true" dropped in favor of "\usepackage{caption}[=v1]"
* Option "parboxrestore=partial/full" removed (was obsolete since v3.5)
* \captionsetup{margin={...,}} sets only the left margin,
\captionsetup{margin={,...}} only the right one
* The font option "stretch" does not require the setspace package anymore
* New command \nextfloat to influence the (new) counter handling
* New command \DeclareCaptionPosition to declare custom postion settings
* New command \AtCaptionSingleLineCheck to add re-definitions to the
* New command \captiontext to typeset a caption without counter increment and
without list entry
* Optional argument added to \setcaptiontype (which specifies options to be
applied additionally)
* New environments `captiongroup' and `captionblock'
* Adapted to the `tablefootnote' package

bicaption v1.5:
* Support of all available caption fallback versions since "v3.2" added
* Support of the listings package added

subcaption v1.5:
* Support of all available caption fallback versions since "v3.1" added
* New environments subcaptiongroup and subcaptionblock
* New command \subcaptionlistentry to make an entry into the list of figures
resp. tables
* New command \subcaptiontext to typeset a sub-caption without counter increment
and list entry


This package is located at

More information is at


   Thanks for the upload.

     For the CTAN Team
    Manfred Lotz

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