This package has gone up at and should soon be at your favorite

Thanks again,
Jim Hefferon
Saint Michael's College


The following information was provided by our fellow contributor:

Name of contribution: psu-thesis
Author's name: Matt Floros
Location on CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/psu-thesis
Summary description: Package for writing a thesis at Penn State University
License type: lppl

Announcement text: 
The psu-thesis package provides proper page formatting according to the 
Penn State thesis office guidelines (as of 2004) and automatically 
formats the front and back matter, title page, and more.  A BibTeX style 
file is also included for the bibliography.

This is version 1.1, including the new committee page and removing the 
doublespace.sty dependency.  The setspace package is still required.

This package is located at
.  More information is at
(if the package is new it may take a day for that information to 
appear).  We are supported by the TeX Users Group .  
Please join a users group; see .
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