quoth the daemon:

> Name of contribution: Mathdesign
> Author's name: Paul Pichaureau
> Package version:  2.31
> Location on CTAN: fonts/mathdesign/
> Summary description: High quality, free mathematical fonts that match with 
> existing text fonts.
> License type: gpl
> Announcement text given by the package's contributor:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Free mathematical fonts that match with existing text fonts.
> By now, six fonts families are available: Adobe Utopia, URW Garamond,
> Bitstream Charter, Adobe Garamond Pro, Adobe UtopiaStd and ITC Charter.
> Mathdesign covers the whole LaTeX glyph set, including AMS symbols and
> some extra. Both roman and bold versions can be used. Moreover you can
> choose between three greek fonts (two of them created by the Greek Font
> Society).
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> v 2.31 * removed Windows-type end of line in text files
>        * URW Garamond is now a "non-free" fonts
> v 2.3  * distribution splitted in "free" and "non-free"
>        * fontdimen corrected (for fractions)
>        * infinity symbol redesigned
>        * afm files no longer distributed
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Announcement required: Yes
> Users may view the package catalogue entry at
>   http://www.ctan.org/pkg/mathdesign
> or they may browse the package directory at
>   http://mirror.ctan.org/fonts/mathdesign/

thanks for the upload; i've installed the new version, and updated the
catalogue repository.

Robin Fairbairns

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