-Caveat Lector-

One says:
While it is true that the Germans, Slavs, and Jews bore the brunt of
WWII, the
difference is that the Jews were killed simply for being Jews.  Do you
get it

The reason to understand religion is because it is intertwined in greed
and politics.
It does not matter who or what religious group people belong to, when
they claim they are God's special people and better than every one
else, those (other religious people) around them begin to hate them.

Note all the gold and paintings those "Jews" claim to be theirs.
Where did they get those billions in wealth?
When a great depression is going on and a people's children
are starving and with out heat, they tend to hate any group
who hoards money and cheats pathetic people.

Other than "Jews" there were Hindus, Buddhist ... other religions
in Germany, but the Germans did not single them out to kill
"because they were Buddhist\Hindus".

Jews/Germans were not singled out by English/Germans,
Russian/Germans, French/Germans ... because they were Jews.
"Jews" were hated because of their better than thou beliefs
and because they horded money and took advantage of helpless
Dutch/Germans, Polish/Germans ....

It was not those who's heredity involved Jews. It had nothing
to do with being a physical Jew. It had every thing to do with
hating a group better than all others and stomping on others
to gain wealth in the time of a great depression.

Nazis, the SS ... begin to trace their family trees and know that
thousands of them had Jewish heredity in their past.

The fact is that in WW2 there were millions of those evil
Germans/Japs who were Americans. Germany was no different
than America.
Germany was not some nation of German/Germans, Germany
was a composite of Europeans from all nations.

People are not evil because of their nationality, they are evil
because they are mindless groupies who allow themselves
to be led by evil leaders.
Republicans, Democrats ... The Nazis are all Lemmings
who blindly follow corrupt leaders.
When one of their gods are exposed in perverted corruption,
the party patsy does not distance themselves from that
evil, they begin to make excuses for them and change the
subject by pointing to some one else.

No famous evil leader is no worse than any of millions of
others. The thing that empowers an evil person to produce
gross evil is party groupies who blindly follow and protect
their evil leaders.

The reason to understand the identity of the Jews of the bible
is to know (according to the bible) all Jews of the bible were
Arabs and Africans.
The reason to know that all Jews were Arabs and Africans is
to know how after WW2, Britain and the allies conspired to
establish control of a land area in the middle east by placing
mixed Europeans (calling themselves Jews) in power.

If by nationality ... Britain and the UN gave half of another people's
nation (Arabs) to a bunch of European citizens.
If by religion ... Britain and the UN gave half of another people's
nation to a group of people based on their religion.

Think about it, What do you think the Brits would do if the UN
divided England in half and gave it to Chinese because they were


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

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