-Caveat Lector-

       During his tenure as a U.S. government official, Marcuse
 supported the division of Germany into East and West, noting that
 this would prevent an alliance between the newly liberated left-
 wing parties and the old, conservative industrial and business
 layers.  In 1949, he produced a 532-page report, "The Potentials
 of World Communism" (declassified only in 1978), which suggested
 that the Marshall Plan economic stabilization of Europe would
 limit the recruitment potential of Western Europe's Communist
 Parties to acceptable levels, causing a period of hostile co-
 existence with the Soviet Union, marked by confrontation only in
 faraway places like Latin America and Indochina -- in all, a
 surprisingly accurate forecast.  Marcuse left the State
 Department with a Rockefeller Foundation grant to work with the
 various Soviet Studies departments which were set up at many of
 America's top universities after the war, largely by R&A Branch

     At the same time, Max Horkheimer was doing even greater
 damage.  As part of the denazification of Germany suggested by
 the R&A Branch, U.S. High Commissioner for Germany John J.
 McCloy, using personal discretionary funds, brought Horkheimer
 back to Germany to reform the German university system.  In fact,
 McCloy asked President Truman and Congress to pass a bill
 granting Horkheimer, who had become a naturalized American, dual
 citizenship; thus, for a brief period, Horkheimer was the only
 person in the world to hold both German and U.S. citizenship.
 In Germany, Horkheimer began the spadework for the full-blown
 revival of the Frankfurt School in that nation in the late
 1950's, including the training of a whole new generation of anti-
 Western civilization scholars like {{Hans-Georg Gadamer}} and
 {{Jurgen Habermas}}, who would have such destructive influence
 in 1960's Germany.

       In a period of American history when some individuals were
 being hounded into unemployment and suicide for the faintest
 aroma of leftism, Frankfurt School veterans -- all with superb
 Comintern credentials -- led what can only be called charmed
 lives.  America had, to an incredible extent, handed the
 determination of who were the nation's enemies, over to the
 nation's own worst enemies.

 IV. The Aristotelian {Eros}:

     Marcuse and the CIA's Drug Counterculture

    In 1989, Hans-Georg Gadamer, a protege of Martin
 Heidegger and the last of the original Frankfurt School
 generation, was asked to provide an appreciation of his own work
 for the German newspaper, {Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung}.
 He wrote,

    One has to conceive of Aristotle's ethics as a true
 fulfillment of the Socratic challenge, which Plato had placed at
 the center of his dialogues on the Socratic question of the good.
 ... Plato described the idea of the good ... as the ultimate and
 highest idea, which is supposedly the highest principle of being
 for the universe, the state, and the human soul.  Against this
 Aristotle opposed a decisive critique, under the famous formula,
 "Plato is my friend, but the truth is my friend even more."
 He denied that one could consider the idea of the good as a
 universal principle of being, which is supposed to hold in the
 same way for theoretical knowledge as for practical knowledge
 and human activity.

    This statement not only succinctly states the underlying
 philosophy of the Frankfurt School, it also suggests an
 inflection point around which we can order much of the
 philosophical combat of the last two millenia.  In the simplest
 terms, the Aristotelian correction of Plato sunders physics from
 metaphysics, relegating the Good to a mere object of speculation
 about which "our knowledge remains only a hypothesis," in the
 words of Wilhelm Dilthey, the Frankfurt School's favorite
 philosopher.  Our knowledge of the "real world," as Dilthey,
 Nietzsche, and other precursors of the Frankfurt School were wont
 to emphasize, becomes {erotic}, in the broadest sense of that
 term, as object fixation.

       The universe becomes a collection of things which each
 operate on the basis of their own natures (that is, genetically),
 and through interaction between themselves (that is,
 mechanistically).  Science becomes the deduction of the
 appropriate categories of these natures and interactions.  Since
 the human mind is merely a sensorium, waiting for the Newtonian
 apple to jar it into deduction, humanity's relationship to the
 world (and vice versa) becomes an erotic attachment to objects.
 The comprehension of the universal -- the mind's seeking to be
 the living image of the living God -- is therefore illusory.
 That universal either does not exist, or it exists
 incomprehensibly as a {deus ex machina}; that is, the Divine
 exists as a superaddition to the physical universe -- God is
 really Zeus, flinging thunderbolts into the world from some
 outside location.  (Or, perhaps more appropriately:  God is
 really Cupid, letting loose golden arrows to make objects
 attract, and leaden arrows to make objects repel.)

       The key to the entire Frankfurt School program, from
 originator Lukacs on, is the "liberation" of Aristotelian {eros},
 to make individual feeling states psychologically primary.  When
 the I.S.R. leaders arrived in the United States in the mid-
 1930's, they exulted that here was a place which had no adequate
 philosophical defenses against their brand of {Kulturpessimismus}
 [cultural pessimism].  However, although the Frankfurt School
 made major inroads in American intellectual life before World War
 II, that influence was largely confined to academia and to radio;
 and radio, although important, did not yet have the overwhelming
 influence on social life that it would acquire during the war.
 Furthermore, America's mobilization for the war, and the victory
 against fascism, sidetracked the Frankfurt School schedule;
 America in 1945 was almost sublimely optimistic, with a
 population firmly convinced that a mobilized republic, backed by
 science and technology, could do just about anything.

       The fifteen years after the war, however, saw the
 domination of family life by the radio and television shaped by
 the Frankfurt School, in a period of political erosion in which
 the great positive potential of America degenerated to a purely
 negative posture against the real and, oftentimes manipulated,
 threat of the Soviet Union.  At the same time, hundreds of
 thousands of the young generation -- the so-called baby boomers
 -- were entering college and being exposed to the Frankfurt
 School's poison, either directly or indirectly.  It is
 illustrative, that by 1960, sociology had become the most
 popular course of study in American universities.

       Indeed, when one looks at the first stirrings of the
 student rebellion at the beginning of the 1960's, like the
 speeches of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement or the Port Huron
 Statement which founded the Students for a Democratic Society,
 one is struck with how devoid of actual content these discussions
 were.  There is much anxiety about being made to conform to the
 system -- "I am a human being; do not fold, spindle, or mutilate"
 went an early Berkeley slogan -- but it is clear that the
 "problems" cited derive much more from required sociology
 textbooks, than from the real needs of the society.

    The CIA's Psychedelic Revolution

    The simmering unrest on campus in 1960 might well too have
 passed or had a positive outcome, were it not for the traumatic
 decapitation of the nation through the Kennedy assassination,
 plus the simultaneous introduction of widespread drug use.  Drugs
 had always been an "analytical tool" of the nineteenth century
 Romantics, like the French Symbolists, and were popular among the
 European and American Bohemian fringe well into the post-World
 War II period.  But, in the second half of the 1950's, the CIA
 and allied intelligence services began extensive experimentation
 with the hallucinogen LSD to investigate its potential for social

       It has now been documented that millions of doses of the
 chemical were produced and disseminated under the aegis of the
 CIA's Operation MK-Ultra.  LSD became the drug of choice within
 the agency itself, and was passed out freely to friends of the
 family, including a substantial number of OSS veterans.  For
 instance, it was OSS Research and Analysis Branch veteran Gregory
 Bateson who "turned on" the Beat poet {{Allen Ginsberg}} to a
 U.S. Navy LSD experiment in Palo Alto, California.  Not only
 Ginsberg, but novelist {{Ken Kesey}} and the original members of
 the Grateful Dead rock group opened the doors of perception
 courtesy of the Navy.  The guru of the "psychedelic revolution,"
 {{Timothy Leary}}, first heard about hallucinogens in 1957 from
 {Life} magazine (whose publisher, {{Henry Luce}}, was often given
 government acid, like many other opinion shapers), and began his
 career as a CIA contract employee; at a 1977 "reunion" of acid
 pioneers, Leary openly admitted, "everything I am, I owe to the
 foresight of the CIA."

       Hallucinogens have the singular effect of making the victim
 asocial, totally self-centered, and concerned with objects.  Even
 the most banal objects take on the "aura" which Benjamin had
 talked about, and become timeless and delusionarily profound.
 In other words, hallucinogens instantaneously achieve a state
 of mind identical to that prescribed by the Frankfurt School
 theories.  And, the popularization of these chemicals created
 a vast psychological lability for bringing those theories into

       Thus, the situation at the beginning of the 1960's
 represented a brilliant re-entry point for the Frankfurt School,
 and it was fully exploited.  One of the crowning ironies of the
 "Now Generation" of 1964 on, is that, for all its protestations
 of utter modernity, none of its ideas or artifacts was less than
 thirty years old.  The political theory came completely from the
 Frankfurt School; {{Lucien Goldmann}}, a French radical who was
 a visiting professor at Columbia in 1968, was absolutely correct
 when he said of Herbert Marcuse in 1969 that "the student
 movements ... found in his works and ultimately {in his works
 alone} the theoretical formulation of their problems and
 aspirations [emphasis in original]."

       The long hair and sandals, the free love communes, the
 macrobiotic food, the liberated lifestyles, had been designed at
 the turn of the century, and thoroughly field-tested by various,
 Frankfurt School-connected New Age social experiments like the
 Ascona commune before 1920. (See box.)  Even Tom Hayden's defiant
 "Never trust anyone over thirty," was merely a less-urbane
 version of Rupert Brooke's 1905, "Nobody over thirty is worth
 talking to."  The social planners who shaped the 1960's simply
 relied on already-available materials.

    {Eros and Civilization}

    The founding document of the 1960's counterculture, and that
 which brought the Frankfurt School's "revolutionary messianism"
 of the 1920's into the 1960's, was Marcuse's {Eros and
 Civilization}, originally published in 1955 and funded by the
 Rockefeller Foundation.  The document masterfully sums up the
 Frankfurt School ideology of {Kulturpessimismus} in the concept
 of "dimensionality."  In one of the most bizarre perversions of
 philosophy, Marcuse claims to derive this concept from Friedrich
 Schiller.  Schiller, whom Marcuse purposefully misidentifies as
 the heir of Immanuel Kant, discerned two dimensions in humanity:
 a sensuous instinct and an impulse toward form.  Schiller
 advocated the harmonization of these two instincts in man in the
 form of a creative play instinct.

       For Marcuse, on the other hand, the only hope to escape the
 one-dimensionality of modern industrial society was to liberate
 the erotic side of man, the sensuous instinct, in rebellion
 against "technological rationality."  As Marcuse would say later
 (1964) in his {One-Dimensional Man}, "A comfortable, smooth,
 reasonable, democratic unfreedom prevails in advanced industrial
 civilization, a token of technical progress."

       This erotic liberation he misidentifies with Schiller's
 "play instinct," which, rather than being erotic, is an
 expression of charity, the higher concept of love associated with
 true creativity.  Marcuse's contrary theory of erotic liberation
 is something implicit in {{Sigmund Freud}}, but not explicitly
 emphasized, except for some Freudian renegades like {{Wilhelm
 Reich}} and, to a certain extent, {{Carl Jung}}.  Every aspect of
 culture in the West, including reason itself, says Marcuse, acts
 to repress this:  "The totalitarian universe of technological
 rationality is the latest transmutation of the idea of reason."
 Or:  "Auschwitz continues to haunt, not the memory but the
 accomplishments of man -- the space flights, the rockets and
 missiles, the pretty electronics plants...."

    This erotic liberation should take the form of the "Great
 Refusal," a total rejection of the "capitalist" monster and
 all his works, including "technological" reason, and "ritual-
 authoritarian language."  As part of the Great Refusal, mankind
 should develop an "aesthetic ethos," turning life into an
 aesthetic ritual, a "life-style" (a nonsense phrase which came
 into the language in the 1960's under Marcuse's influence).

       With Marcuse representing the point of the wedge, the
 1960's were filled with obtuse intellectual justifications of
 contentless adolescent sexual rebellion.  {Eros and Civilization}
 was reissued as an inexpensive paperback in 1961, and ran through
 several editions; in the preface to the 1966 edition, Marcuse
 added that the new slogan, "Make Love, Not War," was exactly what
 he was talking about:  "The fight for {eros} is a {political}
 fight [emphasis in original]."  In 1969, he noted that even the
 New Left's obsessive use of obscenities in its manifestoes was
 part of the Great Refusal, calling it "a systematic linguistic
 rebellion, which smashes the ideological context in which the
 words are employed and defined."

       Marcuse was aided by psychoanalyst Norman O. Brown, his
 OSS protege, who contributed {Life Against Death} in 1959, and
 {Love's Body} in 1966 -- calling for man to shed his reasonable,
 "armored" ego, and replace it with a "Dionysian body ego," that
 would embrace the instinctual reality of polymorphous perversity,
 and bring man back into "union with nature."  The books of Reich,
 who had claimed that Nazism was caused by monogamy, were
 re-issued.  Reich had died in an American prison, jailed for
 taking money on the claim that cancer could be cured by
 rechanneling "orgone energy."

       Primary education became dominated by Reich's leading
 follower, {{A.S. Neill}}, a Theosophical cult member of the
 1930's and militant atheist, whose educational theories demanded
 that students be taught to rebel against teachers who are, by
 nature, authoritarian.  Neill's book {Summerhill} sold 24,000
 copies in 1960, rising to 100,000 in 1968, and 2 million in 1970;
 by 1970, it was required reading in 600 university courses,
 making it one of the most influential education texts of the
 period, and still a benchmark for recent writers on the subject.

       Marcuse led the way for the complete revival of the rest of
 the Frankfurt School theorists, re-introducing the long-forgotten
 Lukacs to America.  Marcuse himself became the lightning rod for
 attacks on the counterculture, and was regularly attacked by such
 sources as the Soviet daily {Pravda}, and then-California
 Governor Ronald Reagan.  The only critique of any merit at the
 time, however, was one by Pope Paul VI, who in 1969 named Marcuse
 (an extraordinary step, as the Vatican usually refrains from
 formal denunciations of living individuals), along with Freud,
 for their justification of "disgusting and unbridled expressions
 of eroticism"; and called Marcuse's theory of liberation, "the
 theory which opens the way for license cloaked as liberty ...
 an aberration of instinct."

       The eroticism of the counterculture meant much more than
 free love and a violent attack on the nuclear family.  It also
 meant the legitimization of philosophical {eros}.  People were
 trained to see themselves as objects, determined by their
 "natures."  The importance of the individual as a person gifted
 with the divine spark of creativity, and capable of acting upon
 all human civilization, was replaced by the idea that the person
 is important because he or she is black, or a woman, or feels
 homosexual impulses.  This explains the deformation of the civil
 rights movement into a "black power" movement, and the
 transformation of the legitimate issue of civil rights for women
 into feminism.  Discussion of women's civil rights was forced
 into being just another "liberation cult," complete with
 bra-burning and other, sometimes openly Astarte-style, rituals;
 a review of {{Kate Millet's}} {Sexual Politics} (1970) and
 {{Germaine Greer's}} {The Female Eunuch} (1971), demonstrates
 their complete reliance on Marcuse, Fromm, Reich, and other
 Freudian extremists.

    The Bad Trip

    This popularization of life as an erotic, pessimistic ritual
 did not abate, but in fact deepened over the twenty years leading
 to today; it is the basis of the horror we see around us.  The
 heirs of Marcuse and Adorno completely dominate the universities,
 teaching their own students to replace reason with "Politically
 Correct" ritual exercises.  There are very few theoretical books
 on arts, letters, or language published today in the United
 States or Europe which do not openly acknowledge their debt to
 the Frankfort School.

    The witchhunt on today's campuses is merely the implementation
 of Marcuse's concept of "repressive toleration" -- "tolerance
 for movements from the left, but intolerance for movements from
 the right" -- enforced by the students of the Frankfurt School,
 now become the professors of women's studies and Afro-American
 studies.  The most erudite spokesman for Afro-American studies,
 for instance, Professor {{Cornell West}} of Princeton, publicly
 states that his theories are derived from Georg Lukacs.

       At the same time, the ugliness so carefully nurtured by the
 Frankfurt School pessimists, has corrupted our highest cultural
 endeavors.  One can hardly find a performance of a Mozart opera,
 which has not been utterly deformed by a director who, following
 Benjamin and the I.S.R., wants to "liberate the erotic subtext.
 "You cannot ask an orchestra to perform Schounberg and
 Beethoven on the same program, and maintain its integrity for the
 latter.  And, when our highest culture becomes impotent, popular
 culture becomes openly bestial.

       One final image:  American and European children daily
 watch films like {Nightmare on Elm Street} and {Total Recall}, or
 television shows comparable to them.  A typical scene in one of
 these will have a figure emerge from a television set; the skin
 of his face will realistically peel away to reveal a hideously
 deformed man with razor-blade fingers, fingers which start
 growing to several feet in length, and -- suddenly -- the victim
 is slashed to bloody ribbons.

       This is not entertainment.  This is the deeply paranoid
 hallucination of the LSD acid head.  The worst of what happened
 in the 1960's is now daily fare.  Owing to the Frankfurt School
 and its co-conspirators, the West is on a "bad trip" from which
 it is not being allowed to come down.

    The principles through which Western Judeo-Christian
 civilization was built, are now no longer dominant in our
 society; they exist only as a kind of underground resistance
 movement.  If that resistance is ultimately submerged, then the
 civilization will not survive -- and, in our era of incurable
 pandemic disease and nuclear weapons, the collapse of Western
 civilization will very likely take the rest of the world with it
 to Hell.

    The way out is to create a Renaissance.  If that sounds
 grandiose, it is nonetheless what is needed.  A renaissance
 means, to start again; to discard the evil, and inhuman, and just
 plain stupid, and to go back, hundreds or thousands of years, to
 the ideas which allow humanity to grow in freedom and goodness.
 Once we have identified those core beliefs, we can start to
 rebuild civilization.

    Ultimately, a new Renaissance will rely on scientists,
 artists, and composers, but in the first moment, it depends on
 seemingly ordinary people who will defend the divine spark of
 reason in themselves, and tolerate no less in others.  Given the
 successes of the Frankfurt School and its New Dark Age sponsors,
 these ordinary individuals, with their belief in reason and the
 difference between right and wrong, will be "unpopular."  But,
 no really good idea was ever popular, in the beginning.

    The Frankfurt School devised the "authoritarian personality"
 profile as a weapon to be used against its political enemies.
 The fraud rests on the assumption that a person's actions are not
 important; rather, the issue is the psychological attitude of the
 actor -- as determined by social scientists like those of the
 Frankfurt School.  The concept is diametrically opposed to the
 idea of natural law and to the republican legal principles upon
 which the U.S. was founded; it is, in fact, fascistic, and
 identical to the idea of "thought crime," as described by George
 Orwell in his {1984}, and to the theory of "volitional crime"
 developed by Nazi judge Roland Freisler in the early 1930's.

    When the Frankfurt School was in its openly pro-Bolshevik
 phase, its authoritarian personality work was designed to
 identify people who were not sufficiently revolutionary, so that
 these people could be "re-educated."  When the Frankfurt School
 expanded its research after World War II at the behest of the
 American Jewish Committee and the Rockefeller Foundation, its
 purpose was not to identify anti-Semitism; that was merely a
 cover story.  Its goal was to measure adherence to the core
 beliefs of Western Judeo-Christian civilization, so that these
 beliefs could be characterized as "authoritarian," and

    For the Frankfurt School conspirators, the worst crime was the
 belief that each individual was gifted with sovereign reason,
 which could enable him to determine what is right and wrong for
 the whole society; thus, to tell people that you have a
 reasonable idea to which they should conform, is authoritarian,
 paternalistic extremism.

    By these standards, the judges of Socrates and Jesus were
 correct in condemning these two individuals (as, for example,
 I.F. Stone asserts in one case in his "Trial of Socrates.")
 It is the measure of our own cultural collapse, that this
 definition of authoritarianism is acceptable to most citizens,
 and is freely used by political operations like the
 Anti-Defamation League and the Cult Awareness Network to
 "demonize" their political enemies.

    When Lyndon LaRouche and six of his colleagues faced trial
 on trumped-up charges in 1988, LaRouche identified that the
 prosecution would rely on the Frankfurt School's authoritarian
 personality fraud, to claim that the defendants' intentions were
 {inherently} criminal.  During the trial, LaRouche's defense
 attorney attempted to demonstrate the Frankfurt School roots of
 the prosecution's conspiracy theory, but he was overruled by
 Judge Albert Bryan, Jr., who said, "I'm not going back into the
 early 1930's in opening statements or in the testimony of

 The Frankfurt School's original 1930's survey work, including
 the "authoritarian personality," was based on psychoanalytic
 categories developed by Erich Fromm.  Fromm derived these
 categories from the theories of J.J. Bachofen, a collaborator of
 Nietzsche and Richard Wagner, who claimed that human civilization
 was originally "matriarchal."  This primoridial period of
 "gynocratic democracy" and dominance of the Magna Mater (Great
 Mother) cult, said Bachofen, was submerged by the development of
 rational, authoritarian "patriarchism," including monotheistic
 religion.  Later, Fromm utilized this theory to claim that
 support for the nuclear family was evidence of authoritarian

    In 1970, forty years after he first proclaimed the importance
 of Bachofen's theory, the Frankfurt School's Erich Fromm surveyed
 how far things had developed.  He listed seven "social-
 psychological changes" which indicated the advance of
 matriarchism over patriarchism:

    -- "The failure of the patriarchal-authoritarian system to
       fulfill its function," including the prevention of

    -- "Democratic revolutions" which operate on the basis of
       "manipulated consent"

    -- "The women's revolution"

    -- "Children's and adolescents' revolution," based on the work
       of Benjamin Spock and others, allowing children new, and
       more-adequate ways to express rebellion

    -- The rise of the radical youth movement, which fully
       embraces Bachofen, in its emphasis on group sex, loose
       family structure, and unisex clothing and behaviors

    -- The increasing use of Bachofen by professionals to correct
       Freud's overly-sexual analysis of the mother-son
       relationship -- this would make Freudianism less
       threatening and more palatable to the general population

    -- "The vision of the consumer paradise.... In this vision,
       technique assumes the characteristics of the Great Mother,
       a technical instead of a natural one, who nurses her
       children and pacifies them with a never-ceasing lullaby
       (in the form of radio and television).  In the process, man
       becomes emotionally an infant, feeling secure in the hope
       that mother's breasts will always supply abundant milk, and
       that decisions need no longer be made by the individual."

  An overwhelming amount of the philosophy and artifacts of the
 American counterculture of the 1960's, plus the New Age nonsense
 of today, derives from a large-scale social experiment sited in
 Ascona, Switzerland from about 1910 to 1935.

       Originally a resort area for members of {{Helena
 Blavatsky's}} Theosophy cult, the little Swiss village became
 the haven for every occult, leftist and racialist sect of the
 original New Age movement of the early twentieth century.
 By the end of World War I, Ascona was indistinguishable from what
 Haight-Ashbury would later become, filled with health food shops,
 occult book stores hawking the {I Ching}, and {Naturmenschen},
 "Mr. Naturals" who would walk about in long hair, beads, sandals,
 and robes in order to "get back to nature."

       The dominant influence in the area came from Dr. Otto
 Gross, a student of Freud and friend of Carl Jung, who had been
 part of Max Weber's circle when Frankfurt School founder Lukacs
 was also a member.  Gross took Bachofen to its logical extremes,
 and, in the words of a biographer, "is said to have adopted
 Babylon as his civilization, in opposition to that of Judeo-
 Christian Europe.... If Jezebel had not been defeated by Elijah,
 world history would have been different and better.  Jezebel was
 Babylon, love religion, Astarte, Ashtoreth; by killing her,
 Jewish monotheistic moralism drove pleasure from the world."

       Gross's solution was to recreate the cult of Astarte in
 order to start a sexual revolution and destroy the bourgeois,
 patriarchal family.  Among the members of his cult were:
 {{Frieda and D.H. Lawrence}}; {{Franz Kafka}}; {{Franz Werfel}},
 the novelist who later came to Hollywood and wrote {The Song of
 Bernadette}; philosopher {{Martin Buber}}; {{Alma Mahler}}, the
 wife of composer Gustave Mahler, and later the liaison of Walter
 Gropius, Oskar Kokoschka, and Franz Werfel; among others.  The
 Ordo Templis Orientalis (OTO), the occult fraternity set up by
 Satanist {{Aleister Crowley}}, had its only female lodge at

       It is sobering to realize the number of intellectuals now
 worshipped as cultural heroes who were influenced by the New Age
 madness in Ascona -- including almost all the authors who enjoyed
 a major revival in America in the 1960's and 1970's.  The place
 and its philosophy figures highly in the works of not only
 Lawrence, Kafka and Werfel, but also Nobel Prize winners
 {{Gerhardt Hauptmann}} and {{Hermann Hesse, H.G. Wells, Max Brod,
 Stefan George}}, and the poets {{Rainer Maria Rilke}} and
 {{Gustav Landauer}}.  In 1935 Ascona became the headquarters for
 Carl Jung's annual Eranos Conference to popularize gnosticism.

       Ascona was also the place of creation for most of what we
 now call modern dance.  It was headquarters to {{Rudolf von
 Laban}}, inventor of the most popular form of dance notation, and
 {{Mary Wigman}}.  {{Isadora Duncan}} was a frequent visitor.
 Laban and Wigman, like Duncan, sought to replace the formal
 geometries of classical ballet with re-creations of cult dances
 which would be capable of ritualistically dredging up the
 primordial racial memories of the audience.  When the Nazis came
 to power, Laban became the highest dance official in the Reich,
 and he and Wigman created the ritual dance program for the 1936
 Olympic Games in Berlin -- which was filmed by Hitler's personal
 director {{Leni Reifenstahl}}, a former student of Wigman.

       The peculiar occult psychoanalysis popular in Ascona was
 also decisive in the development of much of modern art.  The Dada
 movement originated in nearby Zurich, but all its early figures
 were Asconans in mind or body, especially {{Guillaume
 Apollinaire}}, who was a particular fan of Otto Gross.  When
 "Berlin Dada" announced its creation in 1920, its opening
 manifesto was published in a magazine founded by Gross.

       The primary document of Surrealism also came from Ascona.
 Dr. {{Hans Prinzhorn}}, a Heidelberg psychiatrist, commuted to
 Ascona, where he was the lover of Mary Wigman.  In 1922, he
 published a book, "The Artwork of the Mentally Ill," based on
 paintings by his psychotic patients, accompanied by an analysis
 claiming that the creative process shown in this art was actually
 more liberated than that of the Old Masters.  Prinzhorn's book
 was widely read by the modern artists of the time, and a recent
 historian has called it, "the Bible of the Surrealists."


 From the magazine Fidelio published by
 the Schiller Institute, v1 #1.

 reprinted with permission from


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