-Caveat Lector-


 For Whom The Polls Toll

 by L. Wolfe

 Printed in The American Almanac, May 5, 1997.

 In the 1996 national political conventions, ABC television unveiled
 what it called the latest "breakthrough" in polling -- the
 "Insta-poll."  A small "focus group" of selected individuals,
 supposedly a statistically valid demographic representation of the
 American population, sat in a room watching live telecasts of the
 Dole and Clinton acceptance speeches.  In their hands, they held a
 rheostat-like device with which they registered their pleasure or
 displeasure with statements made by the candidate as he was
 speaking.  These responses were fed into a computer, which then
 converted the aggregate responses into graphic representations,
 fluctuating on the screen as opinions instantly changed.  The ABC
 commentators proclaimed that this "new" technology enabled them to
 break down the speech, to analyze what parts of it "played in
 Peoria." [1]

 Graphic representations aside, the technology was hardly new.
 Some 60 years ago, a similar device had been developed as part of
 a Rockefeller Foundation-funded project, using the U.S. networks
 of Freudian brainwashers from the Frankfurt School's Institute for
 Social Research [2], and other operatives allied with the London
 Tavistock Institute, to study radio's impact on society and its
 potential for mass brainwashing.  Directing the so-called Radio
 Research Project, based at Princeton University, was one of the
 fathers of public opinion polling, Paul Lazersfeld, along with
 three others who were to become prominent in that "black art": the
 Tavistock-linked Gordon Allport, from Harvard; Hadley Cantril, who
 established one of the leading polling-profiling operations out of
 Princeton; and Frank Stanton, then the director of research for
 the CBS radio network, who was later to rise to head CBS's News
 Division, and still later to head both CBS network and the RAND

 The crowning achievement of the Radio Research Project was the
 Stanton-Lazersfeld Program Analyzer, the so-called "Little Annie"
 -- a rheostat-like device with which test audiences could register
 the intensity of their likes and dislikes of radio programs, or
 commercials, on a moment-to-moment basis; the brainwashers were
 able to determine what particular characters or situations produced
 the desired, momentary feeling states in the target audience. [3]


                        In The Beginning...

 All public opinion polling has its origins in "sociometrics," or
 statistical sociology, as developed in the early part of this
 century by Frankfurt School-linked operatives, including Max Weber.
 [4] It is based, as with ABC's Insta-Poll, or the Radio Research
 Project's "Little Annie," on the measurement of momentary feeling
 states, or opinions, on given subjects.  This provides a detailed
 profile of the prejudices and assumptions of a targetted
 population; as such, polls can be useful for mass brainwashing
 campaigns to shift opinions to those desired by those who run them.
 The mass media, as they developed through this century, from print,
 to radio, to television, became the principal vehicles for the
 promotion of such shifts.

 Creative thinking defies measurement in quantifiable terms.  It is
 impossible to come up with a statistical correlation, based on
 polling, that could determine whether one creative idea is better
 or more valid than another, whether it can be accepted by society
 as useful, important, or true.  As those involved with the Radio
 Research Project, and such American pollsters as George Gallup and
 Lou Harris, or Elmo Roper, "proved," opinions can be easily
 counted; other-directed Americans, always concerned about what
 their neighbors think, as determinant of what they should think
 about given subjects, were shown to be readily susceptible to
 manipulation by poll results, accepting the poll numbers as true,
 and being guided in their own actions by the perceived "majority

 Polling of the type that most Americans are familiar with began in
 the 1930s, becoming featured material on radio and in newspapers.
 At that time, most polls were conducted by national polling
 agencies, such as Gallup, Roper, or Harris, with specialized
 contracting handled through Cantril's operation at Princeton and,
 later, Allport's at Harvard.  By the late 1940s and early 1950s,
 the key U.S. nodes of Tavistock were conducting specialized polling
 operations, under contract from government agencies and the private
 sector.  In the 1960s, the television and radio networks linked up
 with major newspapers, such as the Washington Post and the New York
 Times, to run their own polling operations; they are now a staple
 of the nightly television news broadcasts on all networks,
 including the cable news channels, such as CNN. [5]


                          Shifting Policy

 There has always been a more covert, secret side to these polling
 operations.  The results of the Radio Research Project had
 demonstrated the effectiveness of public opinion polling for
 profiling populations, to determine their subjective weaknesses,
 for purposes of manipulation.  This was put to work during World
 War II, as Tavistock-linked brainwashers conducted extensive
 polling of the enemy, and allied populations, operating from the
 Army's Psychological Warfare Directorate and the Committee on
 National Morale, to determine the effectiveness of brainwashing
 propaganda. [6]  The findings became the basis of detailed country
 and regional population profiles that were used by the British
 oligarchy and its American lackeys to shape post-World War II
 policy. [7]

 Immediately after World War II, the most extensive profiling of
 the American population to date took place under the auspices of
 a project run jointly through the Tavistock-Frankfurt School
 networks, ostensibly to study "prejudice" in the United States.
 The study, whose most notorious volume was titled The Authoritarian
 Personality, was used to promote the still widely-held belief that
 fascism derives from certain "personality types," and its quack
 measurements and description of this personality type have since
 been used to target any enemy of British policy interests. [8]
 The database assembled from the tens of thousands of interviews,
 provided a compilation of manipulable proclivities and fears of
 Americans, that was used in the following decades. [9]

 Another major polling-profiling operation was undertaken by
 Tavistock networks in the 1960s, under a NASA grant, ostensibly
 to examine the impact of the space program on the population.
 The findings of the semi-secret Rapoport Report, of which only one
 volume was published, found that the space program had produced
 a "dangerous" outbreak of cultural optimism and belief in the
 capability of creative scientific thinking to solve problems; this
 was dangerous to the British policy of post-industrialism, then
 beginning to be implemented. [10]  The reports, which found their
 way into the highest policy circles of the British Empire, led to
 a decision to shut down the U.S. space program as rapidly as
 possible, even as it was achieving its crowning success with the
 1969 manned lunar landing.

 To build public support for this shutdown of the space program,
 starting in that same period, an effort was launched through
 public opinion polling, by agencies such as Gallup and Harris,
 and promoted in the media, including television, to "show" that
 Americans were opposed to the continued expenditures for manned
 space flight; the fraudulent results of these polls helped shape
 the 1970-72 election campaigns, in which such a scale-back was
 debated. [11]


                            Big Business

 Today, public opinion polling is a multibillion-dollar industry,
 involving tens of thousands of operatives, and hundreds of
 thousands of polls annually.  Aside from the daily appearance of
 poll results in the print and electronic media, corporate and other
 business leaders use polls to guide their decisions on everything
 from when to best announce layoffs, to what color next year's cars
 should be. [12]  Political figures, from the President on down,
 unfortunately rely on polls and pollsters to determine what they
 should say and how they should act; in the most recent election
 campaign, approximately 15% of the vast sums of money spent went
 to pollsters and their analysts. [13]

 "Polls prove that people are stupid," said Hal Becker, who headed
 the Connecticut-based Futures Group, an outfit which specialized in
 sophisticated polling of the U.S. and other national populations.

      "If you want an American to believe something, then all you
      have to do is get a poll taken that says it is so (and believe
      me, that is an easy thing to do, if you know how), and then
      get it publicized.  You can tell somebody the Moon is made of
      green cheese -- if the poll numbers say it is so, then the
      jerk reading them or watching them on the boob tube will
      believe it.  Guaranteed."

 Becker made those comments in 1981.  They are just as true today.
 However, no matter how many people believe that something is true,
 this doesn't make it true, but only the prevailing opinion.  Ted
 Turner, the media magnate now conjoined with Time-Warner, believes
 that the future of U.S. politics lies in the instant polling of
 Americans, which he calls the ultimate form of participatory
 democracy; new forms of interactive cable and the Internet, he
 says, will make all this possible. [14]  He is not alone in such
 professed beliefs; a 1991 Tavistock-initiated study on, among
 other things, new forms of world government, reached a similar
 conclusion. [15]  Our Founding Fathers, in their infinite wisdom,
 designed a Republican government, based on seeking the truth,
 and resisting the whims of ill-informed or manipulated "mass
 democracy."  We have already come too far down the path plowed by
 the pollsters, and their backers such as Turner -- a path which
 leads straight to fascism.



   1. While the commentators had clearly hoped for some dramatic
      results, the graphic data showed hardly any "connection"
      between the focus group, split between "Democrats,"
      "Republicans," and "Independents," and the acceptance
      speeches: The graphs were mostly horizontal lines, similar to
      the "flatliner" readings of the vital signs of dead patients.

   2. See Michael Minnicino, "The New Dark Age: The Frankfurt School
      and `Political Correctness,'" Fidelio, Winter 1992.

   3. To this day, CBS maintains "program analyzer" capabilities in
      both New York and Hollywood; other networks and production
      studios use similar devices.  It is said that they correlate
      85% to A.C. Nielsen polling-ratings for television viewership.

   4. While the concept of public opinion was discussed during the
      last century, the idea of statistically measuring it with
      polls is new to the 20th century.  The first interpretive
      public opinion poll was conducted in 1912, with the advice of
      Max Weber, to determine for a German trade union leader what
      his members thought about certain subjects, so that he could
      take the position on them that the majority would favor.

   5. It was Frank Stanton who introduced polling as a component of
      the "Evening News" during his reign at CBS.

   6. One of the key profiling operations revolved around the study
      of war bond sales, and the effectiveness of the various
      promotional campaigns.  Among its findings, was that the
      American population had little belief in anything that
      political figures said, with the exception of President
      Franklin Roosevelt; however, they tended to look favorably
      upon the same statements made by movie stars and similar
      figures of popular culture.

   7. Some of the results of the polling was published in journals,
      such as Public Opinion Quarterly, edited by Cantril, and
      directed toward pollsters and their controllers.  These and
      other classified data revealed that Americans, while still
      fearing "communism," looked forward toward working with Russia
      as a continuing ally in President Roosevelt's proposed postwar
      "grand design" for peace and prosperity.  There was also a
      great deal of distrust of the colonial powers, most notably
      the British Empire, and support for a policy of emancipation
      for all colonial peoples, and an accompanying economic
      improvement -- provided that American prosperity could be
      insured; the overriding fear of a new depression was noted, as
      well.  After Roosevelt's death, British-inspired efforts split
      the potential alliance between the Russians and the United
      States, and a new wave of anti-communist hysteria was cranked
      up leading to the obscenity of McCarthyism.  Simultaneously,
      the country was plunged into a new depression, and its
      profiled response had Americans retreating into their own
      fearful lives, giving up, for that crucial moment, the hopes
      for a better world, free of colonialism, that had been
      inspired by Roosevelt and the victory over fascism.

   8. The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith and the British-
      controlled and -influenced U.S. media have used this method
      against Lyndon LaRouche.

   9. Interestingly, Frankfurt School-directed profiling of the
      German population in the 1930s found that anti-Semitism was
      not a feature of the German character, that Germany was not
      anti-Semitic as a nation, nor was anti-Semitism even the most
      important feature of Nazism.  Those findings proved a great
      embarrassment, that had to be covered up, for the
      "authoritarian personality" hoax to play out.

  10. A portion of the so-called Rapoport Report was published under
      the title, Social Change: Space Impact on Communities and
      Social Groups (see also EIR, Jan. 12, 1996, "The Tavistock
      Roots of the `Aquarian Conspiracy'").

  11. The cited polls usually asked questions that compared
      expenditures for the space program to funds needed for mass
      transit, new housing, and similar "down to earth" programs.
      At first, there was no direct question about support for the
      space program itself, or even for the lunar landing; those
      questions were asked later, after the initial poll results
      were publicized, and after various "scientists" were brought
      into public view to claim that unmanned space exploration was
      the cheaper and more effective use of funds.  Never was anyone
      told about the vast benefits to the domestic economy caused
      directly and indirectly by the Apollo program.

  12. Walter Lippmann's associate at the British Wellington House
      psychological warfare unit during World War I, Sigmund Freud's
      nephew Eduard Bernays, was the first to emphasize the value of
      polling data for determining public taste.  Bernays is
      generally regarded as the father of "Madison Avenue"

  13. Much of the political polling is complete fabrication.  As
      some of the work of Roy Cohn-linked Dick Morris demonstrated,
      it is intended to manipulate candidates into spending money
      for media, with the appropriate kickbacks to the pollsters.

  14. Turner's partner, Warner Communications, had experimented with
      mass interactive democracy during the 1980s, using its
      interactive cable system, Qube, to provide instant referenda
      for local governments.

  15. The 1989-91 Case Western Reserve-directed study on mass
      participatory democracy, proposed using technology that became
      the Internet, as a mechanism for doing away with the
      nation-state.  See EIR, May 24, 1996, "Tavistock's Imperial
      Brainwashing Project."


    + The Media Cartel That Controls What You Think, by L. Wolfe,
      The American Almanac, May 5, 1997.

    + The Cartelization of the Media, by Jeffrey Steinberg,
      The American Almanac, May 5, 1997.

    + Direct British Control of the U.S. Media, The American
      Almanac, May 5, 1997.

    + Brainwashing: How The British Use the Media For Mass
      Psychological Warfare, by L. Wolfe, The American Almanac,
      May 5, 1997.

    + British "Fellow Travellers" Control Major U.S. Media,
      by Jeffrey Steinberg, The American Almanac, May 5, 1997.

    + Tavistock's Language Project: The Origin of "Newspeak",
      The American Almanac, May 5, 1997.

 The preceding article is a rough version of the article that
 appeared in The American Almanac.  It is made available here with
 the permission of The New Federalist Newspaper.  Any use of, or
 quotations from, this article must attribute them to The New
 Federalist, and The American Almanac.



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