-Caveat Lector-

    Huh?  The FDA is unconstitutional -- another protectionist,
    vote-buying racket.

Kenn Thomas wrote:
   Like Monsanto gives a wit about the constitution. The FDA
   helped ensure that other milk producers could not advertise
   being "BGH Free", and that is helpful to Monsanto, but again
   it's something small compared to the ability of the corporation
   to produce and market BGH milk around the world. Hormone
   "enhanced" milk is a free market commodity, ostensibly
   developed in response to unregulated demand. "Ostensibly"
   because it's actually the creation of Monsanto's mad
   scientists and marketing managers and probably quite
   unhealthy and something consumers reject. That's a defacto
   form of regulation more powerful than the FDA.

>From whence does a corporation derive its status?

    Place the government in its legitimate role and businesses
    have no 'tool' for their use.
Kenn Thomas wrote:
  Corporations are transnational governments that take advantage
  of the local laws as best they can.

If government is restrained to protecting all individuals from
FORCE and FRAUD, where exactly are the 'laws' by which this
'advantage' may be taken?

     Reminds me of what another stated on a different list ...
     'sounds like blaming the cow for leaving the barn when you
     left the door open'.

Kenn Thomas wrote:
    The cow in this case being the FDA or Monsanto?
The Cow being *any* business ... which is permitted activities
by a government which has no mandate to participate in such.


The state is the great fictitious entity by which everyone seeks
to live at the expense of everyone else.
-- Fredric Bastiat, early French economist

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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