Let's hope the federal government remembers a phrase called "posse comitatus."




Government plans war games to battle Millennium Bug

By Lisa Hoffman / Scripps Howard News Service

                         WASHINGTON -- The federal
                     government is gearing up for top-level war
                     games designed to grapple with possible
                     calamities the "millennium bug" might wreak in
                     the United States and abroad.
                         The "tabletop exercise," as it's being called,
                     will mark the first time since the end of the
                     Cold War that Cabinet secretaries have
                     assembled to plot responses to what could be
                     a nationwide crisis.
                         According to administration officials, those
                     almost certain to participate are Defense
                     Secretary William Cohen, Health and Human Services
Secretary Donna
                     Shalala, Attorney General Janet Reno, Energy Secretary
Bill Richardson,
                     Transportation Secretary Rodney Slater and Jamie Lee
                     director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency,
is taking
                     a lead role in preparing for any year 2000, or Y2K,

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