-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/29/98 10:08:04 AM Mountain Standard Time,

>  The British Army on the Rhine have been recalled for crowd control
>  and British Newspapers eg. Scotsman have beeb pedalling the preperatory
>  ground for Martial Law given the necessity.
  Major governments in the world are seriously concerned about looting/rioting
other such problems.  Personally believe that to be understanderable.
Look at what happened in LA after the OJ simpson verdict.  People, using
the excuse of the verdict, went absolutly nuts and burned/looted everything in
sight.  What happens was in a perceived crisis, basic survival, or criminal
elements seem to come out in full force.
  IF all the Y2K "doom and gloom" predictions come true, i.e. loss of power,
air travel, trains, so on, many nations will likely see a restless population,
many of which will be inclined to riot/loot and burn everything in sight.

>  However my Discussion group in Edinburgh, Scotland think that the problem
>  could have been easily and quickly spotted by some of the most logical
>  and pragnatic minds in the world ie. computer scientists - many years ago.
  Computer minds knew about this problem in the 60s, but those great minds
looked at the rapid advancement of technology, and everything else and figured
that by the time we got to the 90s NOBODY would even consider using old
main frames with 60s code in them.  Further that people in that era and time
could worry about all those problems...after to those who lived in the 60s,
2000 wasn't
going to happen for 30-35 years so why worry about it.
 Guess what.  Governments and  institutions continue to use old code and old
  As I recall from my reading their is already some kind of problem with the
year 2019, and 2030.  Are the computer geeks and guru's bothering with
those problems?  NO!  Why not?  Because they are worried about more
 immediate problems, and figure they will deal with those problems down the
  The truth be known, human nature never changes.
>  In the UK, there is some publicity from Banks and Bureaus re dealing with
> Y2K
>  but as usual - there is this mind - numbing blanket of media silence,
>  whilst the TV continues with its other agendas.
  The media will do what it always does, and will continue to do.  That being
to not seriously bother with Y2K coverage and  problems until two to three
or perhaps days before it happens.
  Take any issue in the media.  For example US Super Bowl coverage in
will seriously begin 1-3 days BEFORE the Super Bowl.
  Serious coverage of the Senate impeachment trail will start trickling out
1-3 days
before the trial is expected to start.
  Should the US or UK bomb Iraq again serious coverage will start either at,
or just
after the first bombs start falling.
   Speaking of that, supposedly nobody knew
when the US would strike Iraq, yet the media was all in place on top of the
information ministry in Bagdad, AND supposedly  CNN reporter Christian
Amonpour had to drive 19 hours over the desert to get into Bagdad for the
start of coverage.  And people are expected to believer that NOBODY knew
when the bombs would start falling.  Anybody that believes that, I got a
in brooklyn for sale.
  In 1988 many people in the Pacific Northwest will remember that as the
year of the fires in Yellowstone Park.  I happened to be visiting West
Yellowstone, watching all the reporters doing their thing for the nightly
 national news casts.   TV reporters from all the networks were assembled
in a line, spaced about 3 feet apart doing their standups in front of network
cameras.   I noticed junior grade people running up to their networks guys
with papers.  All of a sudden people are scurrying around, packing up etc
etc.  I asked one of the reporters "Hey, whats going on?"  The reporter said
some big hurricane or storm was expected to hit Texas and cause alot of
 damage so they were headed down to cover that.  I asked something to the
effect of "Well the fires are still going..."  To which his response went
something to the effect of:  'Well we in the news business, especially
the TV side, go in a figurative sense to one smoking dead body to the
newest smoking dead body and Texas is where the next smoking dead body is...'
  Needless to say, Y2K will not be a smoking dead body until perhaps as late
as Dec 28th, 1999.  Thats the way the business works.


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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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