-Caveat Lector-


December 3, 1998

Veterans back Iraq over Gulf war illness

Iraq blames DU for increase in deformities

Veterans from the 1991 Gulf war against Iraq
are joining the Iraqi authorities in saying that
ammunition used by the allies in the war has
caused severe health problems.

The veterans are attending an international                     medical
conference in Baghdad on the impacts                         of depleted
uranium, DU, which Iraq says is still             poisoning the

Iraqi doctors say they have seen a huge increase                     in
problems in former combat areas and that                   childhood
cancers have increased four-fold.

DU, a metal residue left when natural uranium is
refined, gives shells extra penetrating power.
On impact, the shells create an airborne dust,
which can be poisonous if inhaled or ingested.

Two British Gulf War veterans, Ray Bristow and
Colin Purcell-Lee, have travelled to Baghdad to
gather more information on DU.

The two men say they are suffering from the
effects of DU.

Our correspondent in Baghdad, Jeremy Cooke,
says the fact that two British ex-servicemen are
at the symposium, sitting with their former
enemies, is clearly embarrassing for the UK

MoD raids soldier's home

Mr Bristow has learned that his home in Hull                        has
been raided by Ministry of Defence police                       and
several official documents removed.

 The former warrant officer said he expects                          to
be arrested when he gets home, but is not                    worried.

 ''I'm not frightened of the truth. Maybe the
Ministry of Defence are, the government are. I'll                    do
what's just and right. That is being patriotic to
one's country. I'm not atraitor,'' he added.

Our correspondent says the veterans know Iraqi                   leader
Saddam Hussein will use them for propaganda            purposes, but
they are not apologising.

The MoD says there is no evidence that British troops              were
exposed to depleted uranium.

Child cancers soar

The two-day conference, attended by 600 Iraqi doctors               and
scientists, called for a ban on DU and urged               affected
families to seek compensation from the US and         Britain.

 Iraqi scientists showed pictures and slides of               disfigured
babies who were born without hands or legs                or with
distorted heads.

 They said the number of babies with birth                      defects
had increased three-fold around the                        city of Basra
in the south, which was close                          to Gulf War

And hospital statistics indicated that the
number of Iraqi children with cancer rose to
130,000 in 1997 from 32,000 in 1990.

'Oil well fires could be to blame'

But a Canadian scientist, Dr Hari Sharma, said
although the deformations were heartbreaking,
the Iraqis had failed to prove a link to DU.

He suggested the increase in cancer could be
caused by the huge oil well fires during the war
or the subsequent UN sanctions which led to
severe shortages of food and medicines.

But he said he had found DU in urine samples
from allied Gulf War veterans who had
complained of unexpected ailments following

British and American veterans said they had
come to the conference because their own
countries were withholding information on DU.


      The CIA recently leaked an area called Kamaishu as being a
chem/bioweapons site the US blew up to destroy way out in the middle of
no where.    Yet---right in the middle of a huge area where soldiers
were an ammo depot that cought fire ---burned up---blew up---- with
enough DU to kill half the town with DU toxicity goes uninvestigated or
modeled to the degree of the one out in the middle of no where.

    DU and heavy metal poisioning has the apearance of some biological
agent because it alters the immune response and virals, bacteria, and
other problems accompany the neurotoxic damages.

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