-Caveat Lector-

Material from web site
makes argument that Bill Clinton descends from illegitimate
offspring of Thomas Jefferson! (See below for partial info.)
I've always been suspicious of claim that William Blythe
was Bill's father. Some suspect that Clinton descends from
an illegitimate Rockefeller line.

Brian Redman       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief    | ---------------Phone: 217-356-4418----------------
Conspiracy Nation  |       "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 3 Jan 1999 08:22:52 -0600
From: Brian Redman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: billsdad.htm

                     President Clinton's Unknown Father

   One of the great mysteries of our time concerns President Clinton's
   Unknown father.

   The mystery is not only that his father is unknown. Rather, it is that
   this subject is never mentioned.

    William Jefferson Blythe in 1944, said to be the real father of Bill
           Clinton, but he doesn't seem to look much like Bill.

   There has always been talk about Clinton's "abusive step father".
   However, there has never been mention of his real biological father.

   In celebration of Mother's Day, CNN News put out the following about
   Clinton's father:

   "President Clinton's Father was killed in a car accident before he was
   born, leaving his mother, Virginia, to raise him alone until she
   remarried four years after his birth."

   Source: "1998 NYT Almanac"

   This cryptic statement does not provide us with any real information.
   The name of Clinton's father is either unknown or has never been
   The reason I find this question to be particularly interesting is that
   Clinton's middle name is Jefferson. Clinton also invokes the name of
   Thomas Jefferson at every opportunity.

   I am really an expert on the slaves of Thomas Jefferson. I know more
   about this subject than any person alive (an easy statement to make,
   since all the renowned experts are now dead.) I wrote a book on this
   entitled The Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson.

      Bill Clinton with his mother and younger brother, Roger. Bill's
     mother, Virginia Kelley, was married five times, twice to the same


   In order to write this book, I read several thousand hand written
   letters by Thomas Jefferson, similar to the letter shown here. I have
   been able to establish that there are more than one thousand living
   descendants of Thomas Jefferson by his slaves, some of whom are now
   considered white, whereas others are considered black.

   The question is: Is William Jefferson Clinton one of the Slave
   Children of Thomas Jefferson?


   UPDATE: I have received an e-mail stating that Bill Clinton's original
   name was William Jefferson Blythe, IV and that Clinton's father was
   William Jefferson Blythe III who was the son of William Jefferson
   Blythe II.

   It gives as the source: Ancestors of American Presidents by Gary Boyd


   UPDATE: A reader writes: "I co-authored "BLYTHE, Vol.1" in 1994 with
   Pat Hicks Brigance, of Maryville, Tennessee. We included a chapter on
   the family of President Clinton. He descends from ANDREW JACKSON
   BLYTHE and his wife JANE BLYTHE. ANDREW J. BLYTHE and JANE had a son
   named THOMAS JEFFERSON BLYTHE, which is the child that President
   Clinton is descended from. I have a great deal of information
   regarding this family that Pat and I have collected since 1994.
   "You may reach me at the following e-mail addresses:

   Rev. Jerry Olinger
   Donna (nee BLYTHE) Olinger
   1205 Crater Avenue
   Modesto, CA 95351-7311
   1 (209) 529-2447



   Dear Mr. Sloan:

   It's odd that you make so much of not knowing bill Clinton's father's
   name since it has been public knowledge for quite a long time. Look in
   any New York Times or "People"-style magazine that came out during one
   of his presidential elections and you will find numerous stories about
   his family and genealogy. His father, as you eventually discovered was
   William Jefferson Blythe (known as "WJ"). There were a long line of
   people on his side of the family with similar names starting with a
   Thomas Jefferson Blythe born back in 1829. If there's anything else
   you want to know, I'm sure any of the family genealogists who post
   their studies on the internet would be glad to help you out. However,
   it sounds like truth is not exactly what you are looking for.

                              Thomas Jefferson
           President Clinton's Putative Great-Great-Grandfather?


   Rev. Stan Blythe Duncan ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )


   ANOTHER UPDATE: A reader writes:

   Chris Ruddy is reporting in his magazine that Blythe was NOT in the
   country 9 months prior to Bill's birth and ONLY returned 6 MONTHS
   PRIOR to his birth. Virginia was asked about this and her response was
   Clintonesque: 'I pushed hard for an early labor'.

   Chris Ruddy's magazine is Vortex - vol.1 no.1 p.4, Internet Vortex, PO
   Box 20989, West Palm Beach, FL 33416 - 561-835-6999.

   It also appears that you can reach them at: 1-800-newsmax.

   The information was obtained from D. Maraniss' book titled "First in
   His Class : The Biography of Bill Clinton". Nine months before Clinton
   was born, Blythe was serving with the Army in Italy. Blythe only
   returned to the states some 6 months before the birth. After pub of
   his book, Maraniss was contacted by a Louisiana family who claim one
   of their male relations had a love affair with a young Virginia
   Cassidy at the time Clinton was conceived.

   The Louisiana family knew too many details about Virginia to have made
   up the story.


   Here are links:
     * CNN News Mother's Day Special
     President Clinton Exhibit from his home town - Photographs Of
       President Clinton And His Family
     There was a Slave named Blythe!
     President Clinton's Black Baby?
     President Clinton Contemplates an Elephant
     The Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson
     DNA Evidence Proves that Thomas Jefferson fathered at least one
       child by Sally Hemings
     DNA Tests Offer Evidence That Jefferson Fathered a Child With His
     Why "Jefferson Scholars" Were the Last to Know
     The Washington Post: Tests Link Jefferson, Slave's Son
     Order Now: The Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson - Just Out
     Order "The Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson" from Amazon Books
     Order "The Slave Children of Thomas Jefferson" from Barnes and Noble
     Order the Video of Clinton's Testimony

        Return to my Home Page

       Contact address - please send e-mail to the following address:

                          [EMBED] [LINK] [INLINE]

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