-Caveat Lector-

Gerald Harp wrote:

> I have to admit to being more than a tad suspicious of anything which the
> Libertarians or conservatives find appealing.  The Libertarians sound
> appealing [snip] much of what was said at their convention in 1996 and it became
> plain that the party leaders are mostly interested in avoiding taxes.  They
> either
> believe that it is possible to have a society worth living in without expenses
> or their top priority is "let George pay for it" where George is you or me.

I believe you have Libertarianism mixed up with anarchy and the current system,
socialism.  Libertarians only want "George" to pay for what "George" uses, without
any help from the rest of us.

> At this point i am not sufficiently familiar with the issue of going back to
> count the ballot the old fashioned way.  Doubtlessly, there are certain
> efficiencies in automated vote counts for both time and money.

Yes, its the same kind of "efficiencies" that regulate what percentage slot
machines return to the suckers that play them...


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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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