As always, Caveat Lector . . .

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Corey Wicks)

>     Come on now, what a way to leave us tonight!
>At least tell us what he's said so far.
>               JoAnn

Hi JoAnn,

Sorry to leave you hanging. It really is a pioneering book. Perhaps the
most important book on UFO's on the market to date. (If I guage it

In the first parts of the book he starts off by giving a few background
details on the history of Remote Viewing. All of this I had previously
corroborated with article clippings on the CIA's acknowledgment of the
Stargate Program and with books, such as "Psychic Warrior" by David
Moorehouse (Also a breakthrough book).

He has ordered the book chronologically and he starts out by talking about
his first sessions of visiting the Caldonia region of Mars. I should first
point out that primarily he used Type 4 data, which means that he went into
the sessions blind--not knowing what the target was. His monitor would give
him a set of coordinates assigned to the place and time he was to visit.

He discovered a pyramid and a Martian race that apparently suffered an
ecological disaster. Their technological level was similar to the Egyptians
and their culture somewhat resembled certain modern African cities, I
believe. Then came the race of Greys to "save" the other Martian race.
Something was wrong with Martian genetics and the Greys had superior
technology. Somewhat analogous to our current situation.

The Martians were transported to a mountain near Santa Fe, New Mexico, to
an underground location where they remain in hiding. Their people are said
to be about 150 years ahead of humans in technology, yet physically they
are weak and their species is in trouble.

In another session he made contact with a group of "Midwayers" who existed
in subspace but were assigned to Earth to guide and direct human evolution.
Military Intelligence participants in the Stargate Program had earlier been
rocked by the discovery of these beings who resemble creatures from the
Book of Urantia.

In a later session Brown was given (unknowingly) the coordinates to a
Galactic Federation, to discern whether such a Federation existed, as
purported in UFO Contactee literature. He found the council and made
contact with the Galactic Federation and conversed telepathically with the
head of the council. Humans, it seems, were on the verge of being allowed
into the Federation. But first they would have to pass through a time of
global disaster. The Martians had been put in close proximity for the
purpose that when humanity cries out for help, a symbiotic relation with
the Martian race could be formed. Their struggle to survive would merge
with our own.

Those are initial concepts ... and easy to dismiss without understanding
the methodologies for obtaining the data. Other remote viewers, however,
corroberate the same data 100 percent of the time, from what I hear. And
that is pretty remarkable, considering the controlled protocals for SRV and
CRV data collection.

That is a preview ...


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