-Caveat Lector-

> nurev wrote:
> >  This may have come as a shock to you, but there were many people around who knew 
>what the imperialist > government was doing. And why. It seems that you  haven't yet 
>learned why the
> government does what it does and why it must do it all secretly. I'll give you a  
>hint, it's not because they are democratically
> > controlled by us.
> Thank God for that.
> > How many innocent people did you kill even knowing the false pretenses you were  
>fighting under?
> That would be hard to say...
> > Why should you not be considered a war criminal? This is not a rhetorical question.
> You are free to consider me whatever suits your fancy...
> > Why am I not surprised that you justify slavery on the basis of this superstitious
> > nonsense? Your slaver ancestors used it for the same purpose.
> I am not surprised that you feel that way... While my "slaver ancestors" did indeed 
>believe they were justified, they are all dead.  Now they have been "replaced" by 
>people who STILL advocate
> slavery... namely folks such as you... You seem to think it is perfectly fine for me 
>to be forced to work for the benefit of others.  I doubt you are smart enough to see 
>the connection however.
> > Gee that's too bad. War is heck. I'll bet the slaves just hated to leave your
> > wonderful family.
> As a matter of fact, most of them didn't leave... They chose to stay with my 
>wonderful family...
> > > But slavery was an evil institution.
> > >
> > I don't know dude...you sound like one confused puppy to me.
> Rational thought is something you are not familiar with...
> > There's no end to the evils perpetrated by people like you in the name of 
>religion.  It's in the  NT that Paul tells slaves to obey their masters. The OT is 
>much more  libertarian. Biblical
> Israel was not a slave based economy as was Greece and Rome and their cultural  
>offshoots Christian Europe and Christian America.
> > snip>
> You obviously haven't had much exposure to biblical teaching... Since you don't know 
>what you're talking about, there isn't much point in discussing it with you.
> >  Slavery was not eliminated by the war... it merely changed its appearance.
> >
> > Do you mean to wage slavery?
> No, I mean being forced to give govm't fools over half of what I earn.
> > Whether you wish to or not is irrelevant. You can't because we ( the society in
> > which you live ) won't let you own slaves. You'll just have to live with it and
> > whine about it. Poor guy.
> I don't recall whining about it... As a matter of fact, if you could read and 
>understand simple English, you would have noted that I said that I do not wish to own 
>a slave.
> > Well Hawk, you've convinced me. When I grow up I want to be just like you.
> It would be a considerable improvement...
> Hawk

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