At 06:06 PM 1/6/99 -0500, you wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
>>  -Caveat Lector-
>> >Rizzo approved the firebombing of the Philadelphia tenement..
>> Hmmm, I might be totally wrong, please correct me if so, but I'm pretty sure
>> William Goode (sp?) was the mayor of Philadelphia when the MOVE bombing took
>> place in May 1985. If I'm not mistaken, he beat "law 'n' order" Frank Rizzo
>> the mayoral election, which was a pretty big deal because Goode was a black
>> mayor who won by coalition-building, while Frank Rizzo... well, he had his
>> supporters, too. Rizzo had been mayor forever, but in 1985 Goode had
>> won the mayor's office, one of the few black mayors in major U.S. urban
>> at the time.

That's all correct. I watched the smoke from MOVE out my kitchen window at the same time that TV was reporting the curious shyness of the PFD, who'd been trying all morning to dislodge MOVE's rooftop bunker with water cannons. When the State Police helicopter dropped its C4 charge on MOVE's roof and the fire started, it suddenly became "too dangerous" for the fire trucks to approach.

Naturally, no one (except the MOVE survivors) stood trial.

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