-Caveat Lector-

Lyn McCloskey wrote:

> Brandborg's battle for privacy sparked one of four proposals that the
> Lone Star Fully Informed Jury Association, a Texas juror rights group,
> plans to take to the Legislature this year. Group members espouse jury
> nullification, the belief that jurors should decide cases based on their
>  moral convictions instead of the law.
> Another proposal would prevent prosecutors from excusing potential
> jurors because they disagree with a law relevant to a case, Glass said.
> The group's agenda -- legislative and otherwise -- has come under
> widespread criticism, particularly from prosecutors and judges.
> The idea of forbidding prosecutors from questioning jurors on certain
> issues would be "disastrous," said Roger Jones, chief of the felony
> trial division in the Denton County district attorney's office.
> "You have to have people on a jury that support the law that is in
> question in that trial. Otherwise, you are saying a jury is legislating
> instead of applying the law," Jones said.
> But what has sparked the most dissent is the group's assertion that
> jurors should vote with their conscience instead of the law and the
> evidence. For example, group members argue that a juror who believes
> that assisted suicide is morally correct should feel free to acquit Dr.
> Jack Kevorkian.

Interestingly, it seems that Clinton's strategy is basically jury
nullification. There seems to be something like an admission that he
broke the law among Democratic Senators, but an arguement similar to
jury nullification that since the economy is doing well and everything
else is alright and its all about sex anyway, we can just let it pass.

It would be interesting if the Jury nullification people would use the
impeachment as a means of spreading their ideas. Perhaps they could
argue in favor of the senate nullifying if they wanted just as all
juries can.

best wishes, Howard Davis

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