-Caveat Lector-


The article "Lines in the sky or lungs "  mentions two fine patriots and
films that further show these contrails and clouds.......... Last week some
other fine Patriots from Pennsylvania, Fred & Sandra
 Ehrlich were kind enough to send me 2 videos of this contrail
 phenomena.  They are titled The Spraying of America 1 and 2.  The
 first deals with spraying (contrails) in San Diego, California in
 95 & 96 and the second is more recent in PA & Maryland.  For copies
 of these videos their fax # is (717) 235-8762 and the great part
 is: they only charge a nominal fee to cover cost.  I will be
 ordering additional material from their vast library.  I thank
 these fine Patriots for what they are doing to get the word out!

 The videos are part of the library mentioned in an earlier post. The
following list needs updating, but is an example of the various topics
available, and as was stated, the fee for them is VERY NOMINAL. If you
don't have a fax, just send me an e-mail and just say " VIDEOS - YES -
INTERESTED ". I will e-mail you back with further info.

Suppressed Videos
                                    Revised 11/30/98
1. American perspective-- Jeff Baker
2. Day 51 (Waco)--UTV
3. Waco/Oklahoma City Connection--Brubaker, GNBN
4. Overview of our world and one dozen candles-- J. McManus/J.Birch
5. Death of Vince Foster--Citizens for Honest Government
6. Clinton Chronicles--Citizens for Honest Government
7. Waco, The Big Lie, part one-Linda Thompson
8. Waco, The Big Lie, part two-Linda Thompson
9.Helicopter attack (black halo fire bombs Dallas home whose home heads up
impeachment           movement which has 12 million signatures )
10. America under siege--Linda Thompson
11. The Panama Deception--Empowerment
12. Home video of Branch Davideans
13. Freemasonry/from darkness to light--Jeremiah films
14. Gay agenda in public education- Important!!! see tape # 205 (sexually
explicit material)
15. Satin is idolatry--John Weaver
16. Slave mentality--John Weaver
17. Watchman--John Lewis
18. Christian and Civil law--John Weaver and Jim Grove
19. Violence in rock music--Benoit
20. Satanism in rock music--Benoit
21. Aids and what you haven’t been told--Jeremiah films
22. Hard truth ( explicit material ) 9 minute abortion video
23. Gay agenda exposed ( sexually explicit material )important!!!-see tape
# 205
24. Concentration camps in America--Texe Marrs
25. Fascist terror stalking America--Texe Marrs
26. Treaty from hell--Texe Marrs
27. The bomb in Oklahoma--Star investigative reports
28. Reichstag: an American holocaust, pretext for tyranny
29. America’s secret destiny--Ralph Epperson
30. U.S.S. Liberty survivors, our story--Silgo productions
31. Atrocities at Ruby Ridge-R. Weaver story--KPOC-TV
32. L. A. Lawman, fully informed jury--Proclaim liberty Min.
33. Mena connection(Arkansas drug traffic)--for the people
34. Death and taxes(Gordon Kahl)--Country people productions
35. The two Kennedy’s European prod. ( banned 76-92 in U.S.)
36. Seven days in May(Hollywood production asking when is a traitor not a
37. Taking back our country--Gunderson/Koernke (Oklahoma City bombing )
38. Oklahoma City, 6 pack ( the bombing, a closer look )--for the people
39. Breaking the law in the name of the law--Proclaim liberty Min.
40. The mark of the new world--Mark V prod.
41. America’s back to God--Liberty Alliance, Jerry Falwell
42. Janet “-----” Reno--Jack Thompson at unregistered church convention
43. Waco incident--KPOC-TV
44. Ruby creek massacre
45. The pestilence ( aids ) Global 2000
46. Anguish in Oklahoma(actual live feeds recorded off CNN--A.Sgarlatte
( paperwork shows actual seismograph surface readings of 2 blasts )
47. Waco: Triumph or treason--Jeff Baker
48. Government gone mad--Jeff Baker
49. The Crash: The coming economic crash--Jeremiah films
50. Is Caesar sovereign over church?
51. C-span coverage of senate subcommittee on militia
52. “ Amerika “ the movie ( eleven hours in length )
53. War powers act ( see also # 186 )
54. The secrets of the federal reserve
55. The new world order/ big business-big banking-big government
56. A nation betrayed-let’s take America back--Bo Gritz
57. Challenging the holocaust museum
58. Out based education debate- Elizabeth Town College
59. Murder by injection
60. Questions and answers--Linda Thompson on Waco
61. NAFTA/ treaty or treason?
62. Satan’s new age plan for a new world order
63. The birth of a nation ( made in 1915 )
64. GATT/ friend or foe?
65. Keys to good government and foundation of American government
66. The house of Rothchild
67. Big sister is Hillary Hellcats
68. The new money system-global 2000
69. On masters of America
70. The Gulf war overview
71. Clinton-the next four years
72. Mysterious monuments to the beast
73. The spirit of American revolution
74. Education and the founding fathers
75. A call to arms
76. Alien encounters?-UFO phenomenon
77. Alien autopsy?(Roswell, New Mexico )
78. Hoagland’s Mars- NASA Cydonia briefings
79. Flying saucers are real
80. UFO’S The best evidence-tape 1-the visitor
81. UFO’S The best evidence-tape 2-strange encounters
82. UFO’S The best evidence-tape 3-Government cover-up
83. Are we alone in the universe?
84. The Montel Williams show challenging the holocaust
85. John the Baptist Lewis ACNC conference
86. Heirs of the promise- the lost tribes
87. The other Israel
88. UFO update- fall of 1995- for the people network
89. Battle preparations now-- Mark Koernke
90. A Christian manifesto
91. An American patriot in the kings court
92. What’s happening to America ?--John the Baptist
93. Bloodstained hands of big brother--Texe Marrs
94. The constitution of the United States of America
95. America’s Godly heritage
96. Sheriff Richard Mack-Florida const. Rest. Rally
97. Capitalist conspiracy
98. Communism in America
99. JFK-the case for conspiracy/ assassination and medical records
100. Best evidence- the research video-the assassination of JFK (see vol.2,
tape 184)
101. Taking liberties- the legacy of the ACLU
102. Pornography- an American tragedy
103. We never went to the moon!
104. Capricorn one
105. Hanger # 18
106. Oklahoma City- what really happened ?
107. Lt. Col. Bo Gritz testimony before Senator Arlen Specter
108. Anne Neamon- Governor Whiter bound
109. God’s story-from creation to eternity
110. The unbeliever
111. The seven candlesticks- James P. Mickstrom
112. The pestilence- aids - James P Mickstrom
113. The pestilence-tape two (continued)
114. The I.R.S., a threat to our constitutional rights
115. Hitler and the Catholic church-Jim Wickstrom
116. Blood in the face, K.K.K. in the U.S.A.-discovery channel
117. What Congress and the media won’t tell you !!- Devvy Kidd
118. First padlocked church- Dr. Everett Siliven
119. The pestilence aids, we have a cure--James p. Mickstrom
120. Invasion and betrayal- militia of Montana
121. Enemies, foreign and domestic, part 1 of militia of Montana
122. A nation adrift, a chronicle of America’s providential heritage
123. Murder in the heartland, unanswered questions, Oklahoma City bombing
124. Double crossed- the true story of Barry Seal
125. The living bible-1. Birth of the savior.2. Childhood of Jesus.3. The
first disciples.4. The woman at the well.5. Jesus and the fisherman.6.
Jesus teaches forgiveness.
126. The living bible(con’t) 7.I am the resurrection.8. Before Abraham was,
I am.9. Thirty               pieces of silver.10.Jesus before the high
priest.11. Crucifiction 12.The Lord is risen.
127. The story of America’s liberty
128. The American covenant, the untold story
129. Faith and freedom
130. Dawn’s early light
131. Beyond JFK-the question of conspiracy
132. Nostradamus
133. The coming police state- the McAlnany report
134. Police officer Jack McLamb
135. The truth behind the declaration of independence
136. The bible is proven-Henry Gruver-voice of freedom
137. Gay rights- private lives and public policy (Important!!!,see tape
138. Final warning- our government is out of control-Grant Jeffrey
139. Money management-Grant Jeffrey
140. U.F.O.’s- the hidden truth
141. Sovereignty-citizen township meeting- Richard McDonald
142. Sovereignty secrets- Jeff Thayer
143. Citizenship and sovereignty- Richard McDonald
144. Liberty in the balance-De-taxing America
145. Gods of the new age-todays new age philosophy-Jeremiah films
146. Behind the green curtain-environmentalism  .

147. Taxpayer alert-out based education
148. Education reform ( womb to tomb ) out based education
149. Who controls the children-out based education
150. Panic project-area 51 CIA’s black helicopter project
151. The Gunderson chronicles-from the inside out-new world order
152. U.S. vs. U.N.-John Gunderson
153. U.F.O. tape- the Bill Cooper papers
154. The seminar on de-taxing America-Barrie Konikov
155. U.F.O.’s deception of the new world order
156. Russia-Israel & war in the heavens-David Webber
157. Brainwashing for the new world order-Dave Benoit
158. Exposing the illuminati from within-Bill Schnoebelen
159. Cheque mate- the game of princes- Jeffrey Baker
160. New world order-your money and religion-Eric Barger
161. Black helicopters to glory
162. Prepare for the coming economic depression-Norm Franz
163. Created viruses-aids and EBOLA-Joyce Riley
164. Environmental warfare-Steven Wright
165. Planned chaos & terrorism-Don McAlvany
166. Russian invasion of America-Henry Gruver
167. The planned destruction of America- Dr. James Wardner
168. Surveillance of the antichrist system-Grant Jeffrey
169. Global 2000- David Smith
170. Approaching the mark of the beast-Terry Cook
171. The occult behind the government-Gary Kah
172. Goddess earth-Samantha Smith
173. U.F.O.,lying signs and wonders- Norio Hayakawa
174. Collapse of the world financial system & how to prepare for it-Norm
175. Wake up America-Dumitru Duduman
176. Genesis of communism-the illuminati-Dr. James Wardner
177. Enviornmentalism : door to the new world order-Dr. Michael Coffman
178. America’s secret destiny
179. Intelligence Briefing
180. 666 I.D. found
181. Discovered: the real Noah’s ark- Ron Wyatt

182. Obstruction of Justice- The Mena Connection
183. Overview of the Constitution- A story on Christianity of the law of
the land-John Eidsmoe- 6 hrs.
184. The assassination films- Kennedy assassination, Vol.2 (see also tape
185. The dirty side of the dept. Of justice- The Larouche Case.
186. Dr.Eugene Schroder Story- Repeal of the War Powers Act(see also # 53)

187. The best of Anne Neamon- Voice of Freedom
188. Reminisces- Dr. Jim Nicholls- Voice of Freedom
189. Iron Mountain Vol 2( very rare ) Part 1, 2, and 3( Over 3 hours long)

190. Eye witness video - Real JFK Facts - Mark A. Oakes
191. The Holocast Story in the crossfire - Mark Weber vs. Michael Shermer
192. 30 ways the I.R.S. controls preachers - Dr. Dixon
193. The Lost Culture - A War against northern aggression war between the
194. Above Top Secret ( M.O.M.) Militia Of Montana.
195. Mad As Hell - Aaron Russo’s
196. Harry’s War - A movie about you against the I.R.S.
197. Colorado State Grand Jury hearing on the state of national emergency -
The Colorado State emergency Governor held at Canyon City, Colorado,
198. Vote Scam- The stealing of America
199. An American story- Movie about the battle of Athens, Tennessee, 1946/
Vote scam & corruption/ U.S. war vets after world war 2.
200. Doctor Strangelove/ the movie
201. Mind control- out of control by Mark Phillips & Cathy O’Brien
202. Weather control- A report to the U.S. Senate by Bob Fletcher(see with
203. U.S. Government weather control-Angels don’t play this H.A.A.R.P.(
High altitude auroral research project) see this tape with #202
204. Cancer doesn’t scare me anymore! Dr. Lorrine Day, M.D.
205. Homosexual activity- Inside the cherry jubilee ( actual footage taped
of gay, lewd party inside federal taxpayers buildings in Washington, D.C. )
not for minors. This tape includes tapes #14-#23 and #137. Must see
(includes gay agenda in school system)3 hrs.
206. The gay agenda-march on Washington-includes tape #205-also not for
207. The Mena cover-up-drugs deception and president Clinton-see tapes #5,
11, 33, 71, 124, and 182
208. We run this government, not Washington, D.C.-Dick Carver
209. I was raised to destroy America
210. The way America should be-Devvy Kidd
211. The politicization of science-is there really global warming?-Lowell
212. Americans abandoned-MIA’s-pow’s
213. The dinosaur mystery solved-Dr. Henry Morris
214. From my cold dead fingers- Sheriff Richard Mack
215. The militia’s and gun’s in the street-the learning channel
216. The Oswald trial
217. Mystery Babylon- Al Pierce
218. Down in Roswell- UFO secret
219. Area 51- secrets of dreamland
220. The KAL-007 cover-up
221. The handmaids tale-a movie
222. Martial law- Jack McLamb
223. Cover-up behind the Iran contra affair
224. Guns in America- a matter of common sense
225. JFK- a time for truth
226. The CIA secret wars- John Stockwell
227. The war between the states and the undefeated southern truth
228. Goddess earth-the new age environmental hoax-Samantha Smith
229. Etheric weather engineering on the high seas
230. The secrets of Nikola Tesla-a movie
231. Created viruses-aids, EBOLA, and Gulf war-Joyce Riley(see #163
232. Torn from the land-Lindsey Williams-where have all the farms gone?
233. Outrage-The POW cover-up
234. The JFK lie-who faked evidence against Lee Harvey Oswald?
235. Nichols vs. Clinton-the final chapter
236. Outrage-the POW cover-up
237. First earth battalion-new age military movie-very important info
238. Massacre of the innocence plus the hard truth-aborticide
239. Gulf war illness-Joyce Riley
240. Newly discovered moon structures-Bruce Cornet
241. UFO’s and underground bases-Bill Hamilton
242. UFO’s cover-up-live-plus encounters-UFO conspiracy
243. UFO-the strong delusion
244. The Bible, the Constitution and the L.A. riots-Officer Jack McLamb
245. The final countdown to nuclear midnight
246. Fatal verdict-guilty as charged
247. Dig yourself out of the ditch-IRS & detention camps
248. Learn the truth about Bill and Hillary Clinton
249. UFO’s and star wars
250. America was founded as a Christian nation
251. Ten signs of the end of the age-Texe Marrs
252. Educating for the new world order
253. Aids-EBOLA-vaccinations- Dr. Len Horowitz
254. Murder under the sun- Japanese war crimes & trials
255. Executive action- movie of 1973- assassination(execution) of JFK
256. Last days-hype or hope? By Dr. Jack Van Impe
257. Jesus- The movie(this movie has been translated in over 200 languages)
258. The Millennium- By Dr. Jack Van Impe
259. The Middle East War-A step toward Armageddon- By Dr. Jerry Falwell
260. 666- The United States of Europe and the new world order
261. A. D. 2000- The End?- Dr. Jack Van Impe
262. 2001- Countdown to eternity- Dr. Jack Van Impe
263. America in Prophecy- Dr. Jack Van Impe
264. Heaven- An out of body adventure- Dr. Jack Van Impe
265. I love America- music video for the troops of desert storm
266. Why we fight-U.S. war dept. Documentary during WW 2 to our troops
about the war
( very rare )- 6 hours long.
267. World War 2- music video - Vol.1
268. World War 2- music video - Vol.2
269. Brotherhood of the Bell- movie on Skull & Bones- by Glen
270. The healing of America- Charles F. Stanley
271. ACLU special- politics of the ACLU
272. Institute on the Constitution- a study on Christianity & the law of
the land-John Eidsmoe Vol. 1
273. Institute on the Constitution-Vol.2 ( see #272 )
274. Institute on the Constitution-Vol.3 ( see # 272 & 273 )
275. The wrath of Solomon-John Sack
276. Gods of the New age- Jeremiah films
277. Hells Bells- the dangers of rock ‘N’ roll
278. The allure of rock ‘n’ roll
279. The alchemical processing of humanity- Texe Marrs
280. Project L.U.C.I.D.-Texe Marrs
281. The new face of terrorism -Investigative reports
282. Lucifer 2000- will Galileo space craft blowup the planet Jupiter with
49 ½ Lbs of plutonium?
283. The insiders-Learn about the communism taking over
284. Corrupt Courts- Russ & Dana- the freedmen
285. The saga continues- Russ & Dana -the freedmen- learn what the freedmen
are all about before the standoff in montana-(2-tape set)
286. Alternative energy- tape 1
287. Alternative energy- tape 2
288. Alternative energy- tape 3 - What Govt. and business don’t want you to
know-(3 tape set)
289. Imminent Military take over of the united states .COL. Jim Ammerman
290. UFO Secrets of the third Reich
291. Voyagers of the 6th sun - UFO’s and the destiny of Mexico
292. Countdown to Alien nation- UFO’s and aliens- Michael Lindemann
293. One on one UFO’s
294. UFO’s and the New world order- Michael Lindemann
295. UFO’s and the alien presence
296. The moon/mars connection-Alien ruins on the moon
297. Proof that we are living in the last days & the man of lawlessness
revealed Monty Judah
298. Signs and wonders + the great coming deliverance-Monty Judah
299. Tribulation Time Line-Monty Judah
300. The Washington coverup -Pat Matrisciana
301. UFO message from another dimension
302. Alternatives - UFO’s & NASA Plus episode of one step beyond
303. Mystery of the men in black
304. UFO- Encounter of the fifth kind
305. America under siege- Vanishing jobs
306. Imminent Military takeover of America
307. Billy Meier Chronicles
308. Tesla lab video
309. Tesla’s private life in New York
310. The ten planks of communism
311. The shroud of turin
312. And every man did what was right in his own eye
313. America is mystery Babylon
314. Clinton’s conspiracy - Ralph Epperson
315. The creature from Jekyll island
316. The return- computers rule the world
317. The constitution in crisis
318. False gods of our time
319. NAFTA-Treacherous Treaty
320. The secret Government
321. The photon belt- Jim Wickstrom
322. Capitalist conspiracy
323. Communism in America
324. The gulf war overview- Dr. John Coleman
325. Bible prophecy and the world conspiracy - Texe Marris
326. Imminent Invasion Of Israel-Marvin Byers
327. Red cell- secret navy seal terrorist operations
328. Free energy- The race to zero point
329. I.R.S. Ghost buster- one nation under God, America
330. Russians bomb America-Dumitru Duduman
331. Capitol crimes - Part one - 2 tape set
332. Capitol crimes - Pare two - 2 tape set
333. Anti-Christ - His mark, name, and number - Henry Gruver
334. Prophecy in the stars - Bob Wadsworth
335. Project Lucid - Circle of Intrigue - Texxe Marrs
336. The great holocaust trial of Ernst Zundle
337. The one world religion is here now - Texe Marrs
338. Was it only a paper moon ? Did we go to the moon or N.A.S.A. cover-up?
& We never went to moon.
339. Harvest of despair - famine in the Ukraine 1932-1933, plus Katanga -
the untold story, U.N. killing of a free people.
340. Satan 2000 - The unity of world - Texe Marrs
341. U.F.O. sightings - photographic evidence
342. Centuries of contact ( U.F.O.’s ) John S. Carpenter
343. Certain failure - Part 1 & 2 - what federal planners are doing to
public education.
344. Aids - the designer disease
345. Hi-Tech electronics - computers, implants, etc.(people control)
346. Are your children property of the state ?
347. No implementing regulation requires you to file a 1040 form
348. Eyewitness video, real JFK facts part 2 - Mark Oakes, ( see tape # 190
349. The world below - U.F.O.’s underground !!
350. Explorers from beyond - Dr. Graham Bethune
351. 50 years of photographs - George Fawcett
352. Chupacabra, Brazil - et’s captured - Prof. Cope Schellhorn
353. The truth behind the income tax
354. Giant rock - the good ol’ days - Rev. Robert Short - U.F.O.’s
355. America - It’s not too late - yet !! Militia of Montana
356. Dr. Eugene Schroeder, Lansing, Michigan, Oct. 24, 1996
357. The bible is full of U.F.O.’s - Rev. Michael Carter
358. The gate of heavenly peace - Tianaman Square - China
359. The truth as I see it - State ownership of public lands
360. Money reform act - Byron Dale
361. Biodiversity - the key to destroying property rights and the U.S.
Constitution - Michael Coffman and Terry Canady
362. Media terrorism, mind control and censorship - Pastor Strawcutter
363. James Nicholas - First speech
364. After fifty years - Dr. Revilo P. Oliver
365. The hidden agenda
366. Cabala (kabala) - malignant & perverse - Pastor Leroy Crouch
367. The global elite
368. Pete Peters interview with the wall st. Journal
369. New world order - hope for the world? - Gary Kah
370. The secret brotherhood - J. R. Church
371. Heirs of the promise
372. Cabala (kabala) - witchcraft connection - Pastor Leroy Crouch
373. Freemasonary - secret sins
374. Military activity in Desoto National Forest, NWO training, Ft Shelby,
Miss. Taped 8/16/96 to 12/14/96
375. Cooperative nugget - 95 plus the ships of Troy - China
376. Imminent military takeover of the U.S. part two - Colonel Jim Ammerman
( retired )
377. America’s judgement - what lies ahead ? John Trochmann
378. Greatest discovery of the age - America in the Bible - Pete Peters
379. (Blank)
380. Officer Jack McLamb - Lowell, Mi. 4-1-95
381. The Christian and civil government
382. A.T.F. injures own men at Waco - criminal politics
383. The Cabala (Kabala)- parts 1 thru 5
384. Land patents - parts 1 and 2 - Zeno Budd
385. The remedy - we can save our country
386. Witness - birth of a new all news & information network
387. The traditions of Glastonbury - did Christ spend time in England ?
388. The Gospel libel
389. Who was Ron Brown? Was he killed? - front line 4/15/97
390. Roving Sands 97 - Port of Beaumont, Texas - U.N. troops and equipment
391. Jim Jones - Sir Lionel Luckoo
392. The history of the S.S. (Secret service)
393. George Orwell’s 1984
394. Mein Kampf
395. Militia’s in America - the real story
396. U.F.O.’s - a biblical explanation
397. Man made U.F.O.’s - 1944 - 1994
398. The truth about the Philadelphia experiment - part one
399. The truth about the Philadelphia experiment - part two
400. Lost cities and ancient technologies
401. Highway to heroin - Colonel Bo Gritz
402. America - Why are you going broke ? The Constitution in crisis
403. The I.R.S. - How to stop paying - Eddie Kahn
404. Free at last from the I.R.S. - Dr. N.A. Scott
405. Iron Mountain - The Update
406. Mysterious objects among us - Rods
407. Good conduct - The Michael New Story
408. Nikola who ?
409. The secrets of Nostradamus, exposed
410. Soviet weather engineering over North America
411. The signature of God - Grant Jeffrey
412. An evening with David Thibodean
413. The occult history of the third reich - The enigma of the swastika
414. Incredible archaeological discoveries beneath the temple mount
415. Seven signs of Christ’s return
416. The Pope over Jerusalem - Texe Marrs
417. Secrets of the dead sea scrolls - Randall Price
418. Jury nullification or the fully informed jury - Charles Key
419. Millennium 2000
420. MTV examined - Hollywood power and philosophy
421. Archaeology confirms the Bible
422. Roswell the movie
423. New world bank, religion and rulers
424. Startling proof - God does really exist
425. Pagan invasion
426. God and country patriotic music video
427. A musical portrait of America the beautiful
428. Creation seminar - Age of the earth - part 1
429. Creation seminar - Dinasaurs & the bible - part 2
430. Creation seminar - Leviathan, fire breathing dragon - part 3
431. Creation seminar - Evolution, foundation for communism, naziism - part
432. Creation seminar - Hovind theory - Part 5
433. Creation seminar - Question & answer - part 6
434. Destruction of states rights - Dr. David J. Smith
435. Arrival of the anti-christ - Doc Marquis
436. Militia’s under attack in Indiana - Indiana militia
437. UFO’s above and beyond
438. Barbed wire on America - David Wegener
439. The Jupiter menace - George Kennedy
440. The coming alien invasion
441. Globalism, iron mountain & UFO’s - the strong delusion - Norm Franz
442. Inside s.w.a.t. - America’s elite in action
443. Creation and the last days - Ken Ham
444. Deceiving and being deceived - exposing the new age lie - Peter & Paul
445. Aids - Can we believe the experts ? - Dr. Lorraine Day
446. The ark of the covenant and the red heifer - Dr. Grant Jeffery
447. Russia’s secret agenda - Dr. Grant Jeffery
448. Russia has wooden missles - Ralph Epperson
449. Cover-up in Oklahoma
450. Will G. Gordon Liddy
451. Fingerprints of creation - Robert Gentry
452. America in peril - Parts 1,2,3 Mark Koernke
453. Liberty in the balance - America, the fed, and the irs
454. Tesela’s New York and private life
455. Which way America ? - John F. McManus
456. The temple of the godmakers
457. Magog attacks Israel & war in the heavens - David Webber
458. Guardian of the ages - secrets of the pyramids and the great sphinx
459. The truth about floride - Dr. David Kennedy
460. Angels don’t play this harrp - the update - Dr. Nick Begich
461. Where are all the UFO’s ? - Arts and entertainment
462. Rifle reloading - sierra - the bulletsmiths
463. High power rifle reloading - Dave Tubb - sierra Tape 1
464. High power rifle reloading - Dave Tubb - sierra Tape 2
465. The 60 minute deception
466. Alien abductee - Jim Sparks
467. DIA - Alien remote viewer encounters - Jim Marrs
468. The Illuminati & mind control - Fritz Springmeyer
469. Light in the darkness - The Franklin Sanders story - irs outrage
470. America’s Godly heritage
471. Keys to good government - David Barton
472. Constitutional debate - gun control - Larry Pratt vs. Prof. Ralph
473. Gun control on cross-fire 4/21/97,Larry Pratt/Pat Buchanan vs.
Geraldine Ferraro/Brian Levin
474. Waco - the rules of engagement
475. Crisis creation - Anthony J. Hilder & Lasalle Lasalle
476. Secret of the freemasons
477. Enter darkness, enter light - can we change our predicted doom ?
478. Inner dimensions - Sam Matthews interview with Carl Miller
479. The soon coming persecution of Christians and conservatives & getting
out of harms way - Don McAlvany
480. Witness of Jehovah
481. Dead doctors don’t lie - Dr. Joel Wallach
482. The evolution conspiracy - A quantom leap into the new age
483. New age miracles - fact or fraud ?
484. Years of the beast
485. Vladimir Zhirinovsky and the last dash to the south
486. The United States in bible prophecy - Dr. Allen Campbell
487. The history of free energy, anti gravity & Government Supp - Stan Deyo
488. First event of the millenium - James McKeever
489. Devil worship - the rise of Satanism
490. Genesis & the decay of the nation - Ken Ham
491. The right to bear arms - Jack McLamb
492. Stan Deyo in conference
493. America’s mass media deception - Dale Berryhill
494. Why a tribulation anyway ? - James Mckeever
495. Angels - True life encounters
496. The rapture plot exposed - Dave MacPherson
497. What in the new world order is going on ? - J. R. Church
498. Magog attacks Israel & war in the heavens - David Webber
499. Search & seizure
500. The cult explosion
501. How the patriot can use the U.C.C. - Howard Freeman
502. Bill & Hillary Clinton & their Marxist connection - David J. Smith
503. The rise and fall of the Soviet Union
504. Key hole look at the new world order - Lt. Col. Bo Gritz
505. Your rights under the constitution & how you can win in court - Carl
506. Your second amendment rights & how to protect them - Larry Pratt
507. God’s real purpose in the millenium - C. S. Lovett
508. All in the name of the Lord - Parts 1 & 2 - Bill Stringfellow
509. T.V. interviews with state republican Charles Keys
510. Amazing facts about hell - Doug Batchlor
511. Hoxsey - quacks who cure cancer - Max Gail
512. Swiss annutities - a workshop - Dean Danielson
513. Liberty in the balance- Do we owe income tax ?
514. Top 13 illuminatti bloodlines and mind control-Fritz Springmeier
515. The riddle of the dead sea scrolls
516. Get even- the video of dirty tricks
517. Secret societies and the new world order-Ralph Epperson
518. The antichrist fact file- Perry Stone
519. Ted Gunderson chronicles 2-Ted Gunderson
520. Who is Bill Clinton ?-John McManus
521. Democracy-God of the new age-Arno Froese
522. The public school system-The hidden agenda-James Kennedy
523. Alien secrets-area 51
524. Search for the Holy Grail and the shroud of Turin
525. Foreign troops on U.S. soil-David J. Smith
526. Revolution by treaty-John McManus
527. Protestants and Catholics,do they agree?- John Ankerberg
528. Prison labor-prison blues
529. A woman rides the beast-Dave Hunt
530. The pagan invasion,halloween-trick or treat?
531. Dark secrets of the U.N.-Cliff Kincaid
532. The return of the nephilim-Chuck Missler
533. Home schooling tips and ideas-Darla Boal
534. None dare call it murder-Anthony J Hilder
535. Crop circles, messages from space?
536. The United Nations,the peace dove unmasked
537. Israel-on the brink of war-Dennis Avi Lipkin
538. Heaven’s gates and hells flames
539. Nukes in space
540. How to home school-Darla Boal
541. Troopergate-the truth and nothing but the truth on Bill Clinton
542. Ballot access-trying to get a third party on the ballot
543. They want to stop common law in Pa.-can we stop them,we can try.
544. The ku klux klan,a secret history-the history channel
545. Harlen Co., U.S.A.- Ky. coal miners struggle to survive against big
oil Co’s-America’s slave labor
546. Are you going to heaven ?
547. The witness at your door-the watchtower society-Jehovah’s witnesses
548. The mysterious bible codes-Grant Jeffrey
549. The day after-movie about nuclear catastrophe
550. Global governance-the quiet war against American independence
551. Immigration time bomb
552. Khun Sa- drug trafficking under the auspices of the c.i.a.-Bo Gritz
553. America,the fed, and the irs
554. Secrets of the medical monopoly
555. The tupper saussy ordeal
556. In defence of the constitution-Gary Phillips-justice dept. insider
exposes fraud in the government and tax system.
557. Exposing the global agenda-Henry Lamb
558. The law that never was-Bill Benson
559. Subversion by treaties- Larry Becraft
560. The Montana freemen-Pat Shannon,(see tape #285)
561. Your oath of office-Jack McLamb

> ==========
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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