-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 14 Jan 1999, Jim Condit Jr. wrote:
>Congratulations, you've picked up one of the Big
>Media's subtle propaganda signals: discredit Linda Tripp. Here's some more
>in case you haven't figured them out yet: Monica: good, victim, sympathetic

Yes, remember when this all broke, and the Clintonistas were all over Ms.
Lewinsky as 'that stalker', etc. -- all the jokes about how 'fat' she
was, how 'ugly' she is, etc. etc.  You see the same thing at work with
Paula Jones, all the comments on how ugly she is, speculation about nose
jobs, etc.  (So much for the lip-service these people make regarding
women's rights, they are the WORST when it comes to evaluating women
solely on their looks)...

But now that Lewinsky is coming off as 'a good girl', e.g. she's kept her
mouth shut and hasn't been running off to the tabloids to tell her story,
well now their spin is to present her in a more sympathetic light, which
means laying off on the 'fat chick' jokes...but now it's Linda Tripp's
turn, big bad Linda Tripp who 'tricked' Lewinsky into leaving
incriminating statements on tape...

Quite frankly, Blackwell's always been a big nothing -- I mean, do you
ever hear of the guy any time except when he comes out with his list?
He's not a professional designer (altho he may like to make that claim),
and when it comes down to it, he could put all of Washington DC on his
worst dressed list...

And that includes Hillary, whom he put on his best dressed -- those
pantsuits of hers are laughable, make her look like some PTA matron circa
1978, and emphasizes how 'broad in the beam' she's gotten...

>Finally, and this
>is no joke, -- watch Hillary's eyes -- she looks like she's moving ever
>closer to the need for a full blown exorcism. Jim Condit Jr.

There's something to astrology, when it comes to describing people's
personalities, and how they will act/react in certain situations....
Hillary Clinton is a Scorpio, which can manifest as either an eagle or a
snake....she seems to definitely be in the 'snake' vibration of Scorpio,
coldly eying the opposition, assessing the opportune moment to strike...


      The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year,
      Of wailing winds and naked woods, and meadows brown and sear.
        -- Wm. Cullen Bryant:  The Death of the Flowers
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