-Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 12/10/98)  --  "We  are  in  a  global  financial crisis,"
suddenly announced the mainstream media outlets, in September  of
1998.   That  stunning  announcement  has  since been given short
shrift by major news outlets, considering what a huge impact such
a crisis is bound to have.

And here at home,  during  this  crucial season for retailers, we
are lullabied by a repeated mantra: "The economy is good."

But if there is a global financial crisis, and the U.S.  is  part
of the globe, then how can the economy be "good"?

With  1998  having  seen  the  most  massive corporate layoffs of
employees since 1993, now surpassing the 500,000 mark and sure to
grow during the Holiday  season,  what  kind of "good economy" is

With 1998 having seen seven of the top eight corporate mergers of
all time, with a consequent accumulation of  Capital  into  fewer
hands, just who is the economy "good" for?

Beneath  the  surface,  there  are  serious  economic  rumblings.
Financial titans are in a desperate end-game race:  who will win,
and exclusively control the wealth of the world?

The  two  most  obvious  financial  titans  are  the   House   of
Rockefeller  and  the  House  of Rothschild.  In a previous press
release by  this  news  service  (CNNS:   Conspiracy  Nation News
Service), we speculated that we are now witnessing an eruption in
the ongoing Rockefeller vs.  Rothschild war.  The EUREKA DOCUMENT
which thrust this awareness into many minds was an article in the
current Newsweek magazine:  "The War Hits Home" by Michael Hirsh;
Dec. 14, 1998.  That article  leaked,  to  a  relatively  limited
audience,  the  name of ROCKEFELLER as having been a World War II
collaborator with the Nazis.

The  name  of  Rockefeller, besides being explicitly mentioned in
Mr. Hirsh's story, is also interwoven through the piece; it lurks
beneath the  surface  in  several  paragraphs.   For example, Mr.
Hirsh concludes his article by mentioning  a  connection  between
John  Foster  Dulles,  the  Sullivan & Cromwell law firm, and the
Nazis.  Not explicitly stated,  but readable "between the lines,"
is the connection between Dulles, Sullivan &  Cromwell,  and  the
Rockefellers.   In  his  book,  "David:  Report on a Rockefeller"
(New York:   Lyle  Stuart,  Inc.,  1971),  author William Hoffman
spells it out:  John Foster Dulles  was  a  former  head  of  the
Rockefeller  Foundation, and "was associated with the law firm of
Sullivan &  Cromwell,  a  leading  legal  agent  for  all  of the

The Newsweek article, by Mr.  Hirsh,  is  a  not-so-subtle  blast
against  the  name  of Rockefeller.  "Get Rockefeller" is written
all over it.

And who exactly would want to "get Rockefeller"?

Does the name ROTHSCHILD ring a bell?

An article in the current  Time magazine (12/14/98) gives its own
slant on the unfolding story of corporate connections  with  Nazi
Germany.   That  article takes the position that lawsuits seeking
reparations for Jewish survivors  of the Holocaust somehow demean
the sufferings of World War  II-era  victims,  by  tainting  that
memory  with lucre.  A counter-blast by the Rockefellers?  In the
memory of millions of State-murdered Jews, let's forget about it?

This is a developing story.   At  this  point CNNS can only offer
pieces of the puzzle.

PUZZLE PIECE #1:  On July 8, 1996, Amschel  Rothschild,  heir  to
the Rothschild banking fortune, was found dead, in Paris, France.
His  death  was  officially  called a suicide, but it is apparent
that he was in  fact  murdered.   Amschel Rothschild was found to
have been strangled by the cord of his bathrobe, with  the  other
end  attached  to a towel rack.  But one of the French detectives
at the scene gave a pull  on  the  towel rack, and the towel rack
came right out of the  wall!   The  Spotlight  newspaper,  in  an
article  from  its  Aug.  5, 1996 edition, states definitely that
Amschel  Rothschild  "was   murdered,  according  to  well-placed
European sources."  ("Mogul Distorts Rothschild Death; Police Say
Amschel Was Murdered," by Sasha Rakoczy.)

PUZZLE PIECE #2:  Shortly after the murder of Amschel Rothschild,
on July 17, 1996, TWA Flight  800 was shot down near Long Island,
New York.  Owning a controlling interest in Trans-World  Airlines
(TWA)  has  been  Chase  Manhattan,  the  Rockefeller bank.  (7.8
percent of TWA common  stock;  1971).  Did the Rockefellers still
control TWA in 1996, when Flight 800 may have been, according  to
Sherman  Skolnick, carrying  billions of dollars of phony "bearer
bonds"?   Sources  tell   "Ru   Mills"   (pseudonym)  that  these
counterfeit bearer bonds "may very well have  been  the  intended
victim  of  TWA  800."   Reportedly, there were no duplicates for
these bonds, which were  about  to  come due.  Banks basing their
lending practices on fractional reserve  guidelines,  10  percent
assets  per 90 percent loans, and having these counterfeit bearer
bonds as their  supposed  Capital  base,  would  have been in big
trouble when the bonds matured.  Whose banks were  saved  by  the
crash of TWA 800? Some Rothschild banks, perhaps?

PUZZLE PIECE #3:  Collapsing  Oil  Prices.  Kofi Annan, Secretary
General  of  the  United  Nations  (U.N.),  has   several   times
intervened  to  help  avert  imminent  military  attacks on Iraq.
Primary banker to the U.N.  has  been the Chase Manhattan Bank, a
"Rockefeller bastion" according to Hirsh's Newsweek article.   In
his  book (op. cit.), William Hoffman states that Chase Manhattan
"employs a full-time envoy  to  the  United Nations, for whom the
Chase serves as banker..."  And the very land, in  New  York,  on
which  sits  the  U.N. building, was donated by the Rockefellers.
   Recently, a huge  mega-merger  has  occurred between Exxon and
Mobil,  both  of them Rockefeller entities.  There is a "glut" of
oil on the world market, and  part  of that "glut" is coming from
Iraq.  Bombing Iraq would decrease the amount of oil available on
the  world  market,  and send oil prices higher.  But Rockefeller
interests, for now, do not seem to mind the low oil prices, since
their agent, Kofi Annan,  has  been  acting to prevent a military
attack on Iraq.   However  some  major  oil  companies,  such  as
British  Petroleum (BP), might very much want oil prices to rise.
Not known at this point  is  what major oil corporations, if any,
are controlled by Rothschild banking interests.  Known,  however,
is  that  Bill  Clinton  has  defied  the  "special relationship"
between Britain  and  the  U.S.,  for  example  by inviting Gerry
Adams, linked to the Irish Republican Army, to the  White  House.
Historically intertwined with Great Britain has been the House of
Rothschild  --  for  example,  the  Rothschilds  facilitated  the
acquisition  of  the  Suez  Canal,  a  vital British interest, by
loaning the Crown 4 million pounds sterling in 1875.

PUZZLE PIECE #4:  U.S. President Bill Clinton is currently in hot
water, facing impeachment.  But who controls Clinton, Rothschilds
or Rockefellers?   A  good  guess  is  that  Bill  Clinton  is  a
Rockefeller  stooge.  In his book, "Clinton Confidential," George
Carpozi, Jr.,  writes  that  the  ultra-secret  Bilderberg Group,
whose  membership  prominently  includes  the   name   of   David
Rockefeller,  "annointed  --  and programmed -- William Jefferson
Blythe Clinton IV to be the 42nd president of the United States."
Many have torn their hair,  over  the  years, wondering how it is
that Bill Clinton  can  have  escaped  serious  scrutiny  by  the
corporate  news  outlets.   Rockefeller  protection  may  be  the
answer.    But   the  now-erupting  Rockefeller/Rothschild  feud,
sparked by the  acknowledged  global  financial  crisis, seems to
have helped fan the flames under William Jefferson Clinton.

 +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +

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  Anonymity is guaranteed.  If you  prefer, send your news tip or
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your news tip: 217-356-4418.
  THEY will never tell us the whole truth about what is going on.
But we, the People, working together, can find out what is REALLY

Brian Redman       | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | www.shout.net/~bigred/cn.html
Editor-in-Chief    | ---------------Phone: 217-356-4418----------------
Conspiracy Nation  |       "The perfect slave thinks he's free."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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