-Caveat Lector-

>Here is a government statement on the outbreak.  Everyone be careful on
>the Fla circuit and at Westminister.

For those who don't know, the Westminster Kennel Club show is the 'Super
Bowl' of dog shows, and attracts entrants not only from around the
country, but from around the world.  It's held in Madison Square Garden
in NYC in February.

If 'someone' wished to spread a bug worldwide, infecting showdogs just
before an international event like this is held probably would be part of
the plan...just speculation on my part, tho...

>>Trainers reported that dogs suffering the mystery illness were
>>bleeding through the nose and the mouth, discharging bloody

One should be asking what similarities this has to human hemoraghic
fever, and whether the disease can cross species...

>>The track imposed a quarantine on its greyhounds and set up an
>>around-the-clock infirmary to combat the illness, which officials
>>say poses no threat to humans.

Are they sure?

>>than the one in St. Petersburg, Garry Duell, assistant racing
>>secretary at the track, said Sunday. "It's not the same virus," he
>>insisted. "It's the normal kennel cough that they get this time of

One should ask why 'kennel cough' is considered 'normal' at ANY time of
year...it reflects poor sanitation at the kennel...


      The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the year,
      Of wailing winds and naked woods, and meadows brown and sear.
        -- Wm. Cullen Bryant:  The Death of the Flowers
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